What is it with politicians? It used to be an old boys club, but now it's just a self-service cash buffet! That House of Lords is no better. While setting our taxes, it seems that most of them have been doing everything possible to avoid paying themselves. Setting up huge nest-eggs in Lichtenstein. Why? Because they're rich obviously, and that's how they intend to stay. It's only a few weeks past that it came to light that UK politicians were claiming all sorts of ridiculous expenses, most of them fabricated, and that just to be safe, they'd destroyed all the associated paperwork. Even better still, on the orders of the man investigating abuse of expenses and who had been exposed doing just that himself. No wonder the MP's were all cheering him when he returned to the Houses of Parliament. He'd done them all a massive favour.
It's not like the old days, when the principal objective was to gain the favour of the King, incriminate your enemies in plots and thus acquire their land and titles for yourself. That sort of treachery was practically admirable, and certainly had to be practiced to perfection by the highest ranking nobles in the land.
The latest bee in my bonnet, and it's been there for a while, is the other recent ongoing betrayal of the nation by our politicians. The decision whether to allow us a referendum on the EU Constitution, now the EU treaty, but almost identical in all ways. Except Gordon Brown merits the change of name enough to deny us the referendum we were promised and on the back of which Labour were re-elected. They lied and they don't care. They rubbed it in our faces by denying us a vote on the issue. The only possible outcome is that we will become a vassal to Germany and France. Why would our government want that? I know why, and I told you almost a year ago. Nothing's changed. Blair and Brown cut a deal, it's so obvious, Brown for PM, Blair for Euro-President. That's why it's essential that Brown blocks a referendum at all costs, he promised Tony, who guaranteed it to the Euro-parliament in return for the supreme leadership. Despicable!
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