Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Stare Into the Chaos!

Weird picture eh? I can't tell you where I got it, or indeed how in fact it came to look like it does? Suffice to say, I know and you probably don't. Let's keep it that way for now, and I'll just say it wasn't photo-shopped or anything, so that should confuse you sufficiently much to make you want to know more. Yes, I am a tease! I let you have a glimpse into the chaos, tell you that it all makes perfect sense, then leave you at the altar. What a wicked person I must be!

So, Ive been busting a gut to get ready for the big event, which is imminent to say the least. I mean of course, my Critical Observation, when after less than 3 weeks practice, someone from the University is going to come and watch me teaching, take notes and form some sort of opinion of my ability. I'm not frightened, but I am feeling the pressure, because, get through this successfully and I won't have to endure a repeat process in January. That definitely makes it worthwhile doing well.

All that being said, I may not have much for you tomorrow, it's "Parents Night" and I will be there in observation mode. I will definitely do something for you though, no matter how brief and content free it will turn out to be! Probably just a video clip or something. Think I''ll go and find it now actually!