Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Judgement Day Looms!

This is about a mile along the coast from my house! At the location from which this photo was taken, there are rocks where seals commonly bask right on the shoreline. Yeah that is great isn't it? Isn't nature a wonderful thing? Except when it gets in the way of progress of course! That was, of course, a joke! Animals don't cause pollution (except for cows, and they're not doing it deliberately), man is to blame. Are we the dirtiest animal on the planet? I don't think anyone could dispute it?

As I said last week, I've been doing my bit to forward the green cause, and on Thursday I will be rewarding the efforts of those who carried the cause further, at my behest. I am of course, once again, being enigmatic. There's good reason for that, to protect the innocent, which would be those minions of mine, and of course so as not to draw too much attention to myself. I don't really like attention. People who like attention tend to be attention-seekers, and that's not me.

My big day is till to come unfortunately. I have been kept waiting for it. It should be before the end of this week and that suits me fine, my patience is wearing thin, and my high stress levels persist. I have invested so much time and effort, and it all comes down to this one occasion. It has to go smoothly, or else... well, I can't even go there. I'm sure it will be fine. If only it was just down to me, but there are about 20 other individuals who can tilt the blance in my favour, or in the opposite direction. Being reliant on others is never a good thing!