Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Crossing the Great Divide!

Nice, not sure what you call it, on Channel 4 last night. Historical re-enactment mixed with documentary and a touch of detective work going on, about the building of the Great Wall of China. Probably up there with the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge in terms of grand designs. It was quite fascinating actually, the Ming dynasty commissioned the wall because they were so paranoid about the possibility of invasion from the North. It didn't stop internal strife though!

The wall was actually a victim of its own success. Because it succeeded in keeping the barbaric hordes at bay, the aristocracy in court began to wonder if it was ever needed anyway. It was hugely expensive to build, and what was built was only just over one-third of the intended structure. Unfortunately, the General responsible for the building work and the senior courtesan who secured the funding for it, became largely despised as a result and were removed from office (and probably executed).

The Ming dynasty ended a few years later, with the last Emperor hanging himself, as almost simultaneously, a Manchu/Mongol alliance invaded from the North. Owing to rebellion and internal strife, these invaders were permitted if not welcomed through several gates in the wall. The wall had failed! No it hadn't... only now has the wall fulfilled its true potential, as a tourist goldmine. Whatsmore, huge sections of the wall are being re-built, although I'm not certain if that's to attract even more tourists, or if the Mongols still pose a credible threat at this juncture! I like the word "juncture"!