Well I gave the Russians a hard time the other day, was I wrong? They're now trying to claim most of Antartica in their continued drive to control swathes of the World's natural resouces, just like I said! But I don't want to seem as though I'm dealing in favouritism, so today I'll have a poke at the US. An article I read on an interview with Naom Chomsky yesterday, raised some specific questions in my mind, to which I doubt the answers will not become known before something terrible happens.
A particular section dealt with the reasons for going to War in Iraq. The reasons now are quite different, Al Quaeda are there now, although they weren't there before (Saddam was extremely paranoid and wouldn't tolerate any extremists) and it's dubious whether Al Quaeda really exist, given that the name translated from Arabic means "foreign toilet". Yeah, that's because they're so tough! Apparently some dodgy double agent, that even the Israelis wouldn't talk to, coined the name Al Quaeda, and the US greeted him with open arms, given what they knew was about to happen!
Anyhow, WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) were the priority reason for attacking Iraq. Biological, Chemical or Nuclear weapons. But we all know that they never found any! Why was that? Well it was kind of embarassing at the time, but perhaps it was all part of the plan as Chomsky seemes to suggest. The only WMD's found in Iraq were in the hands of the UN Weapons Inspectors, being dismantled. These WMD's had been supplied to Saddam by the US , UK, France etc. However, on the eve of attack, all inspectors were ordered out by the US and the sites were abandoned!
Chomsky indicates that the sites were then systematically looted, primarily for nuclear material. Looted isn't really the word, as the process was ordered and methodical. The material is now in the hands of God knows who, but presumably dangerous people.
Given all the talk on Dirty Bombs, it would seem beyond foolish to allow easy access to the materials required, unless of course, the encouragement of International Terrorism was beneficial to you. The terror threat is on everyone's mind, but is there really a threat from terror, or is the real threat from those who fail to protect us from the threat of terror? Indeed, it seems that our governments are actively creating the atmosphere of terror. It seems plain that virtually every terrorist attack involves secret services at some point. They always say that the terrorists were under surveillance, but why should we believe that? Perhaps the secret services are providing assistance, to make sure attacks go ahead! Take a look again at the US. As some sensible person indicated, do Bush and Cheney look like they're bothered about being the most unpopular US leaders ever? No, they know that one single terrible terrorist attack could keep them in power forever. Elections cancelled and martial law in place! Would a dirty bomb do the trick? After all, they let "the terrorists" have just what they need to make one!