It comes but once a year (6 monthly if you're that way inclined) and like Christmas, it leaves me well out of pocket. Yes, I'm talking about the dreaded Road Tax. I had to bow to the inevitable and fork over £180 at the Post Office this morning. Don't give me that "If you're not happy about it, use public transport instead" malarkey. Have you ever been here? It's like the edge of the World. The nearest train station is 9 miles away. the train runs every 2 hours through the day. The buses running to and from the railway station run on some sort of random timetable. Sometimes it comes, sometimes it's already there, sometimes nothing. The ordinary bus service runs every hour, but goes round every little village along the way. It's dreadful, just dreadful!
I also had to follow up on the kilt restrictions at graduation thing from Saturday. No restrictions, I can wear what I like, which is good news, but I suspect that the wife was eyeing some expensive looking clobber, to hire, so maybe the other side of the coin is "heads" as well!
I also spent sometime this morning, going through my little filing cabinet under the stairs, where I keep all the household bumph, such as bills, letters, invoices, whatever! I was looking for my M.O.T. Certificate and Car Insurance, so I could go and get the Road Tax sorted. Looks like the other half had already been in there, everything was jumbled up and in the wrong places. I have a simple system, which doesn't amount to stuffing everything that comes in wherever! I tried to convey that message, but I don't think it was getting through to be honest! I guess that'll be another job for me this afternnoon, sorting everything out... AGAIN!