Friday, 7 March 2008

Souls of Black!

If I say I've done my bit for the environment this week, then you should just accept that, and carry on as before. I can't tell you what it was that I did, that might just make a difference in some small way, but suffice it to say that I stung others into action, which is of course better than having to physically do anything dirty myself! I simply laid down the gauntlet, and others picked it up.

I don't think it'll save the planet or anything, but at least it will raise awareness, and while I have been a bit scathing about climate change and so on, in the past, this isn't to do with climate change. It's more to do with what a filthy species we are. Is that suitably cryptic for you? It is for me, I think I've confused myself!

I concede that I have bigger concerns right now than the future of the planet, and maybe that's selfish. But, hey, there's a few billion others who spend as much time dwelling on the subject as I do! If the planet's already destroyed, if mankind has already pushed the planet to the brink, then I along with the rest of you will face the consequences. It's as simple as that. No one person can make a difference, I said that before, and it's true. We can however, by our actions, feel as though we're doing something worthwhile, and that in itself is useful, if for no other reason than to have an excuse to fall back upon when a blame culture develops. I looked into your soul and this is what I saw!

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