Major drama this morning. I have some medication (none of your concern what it's for, let's just say it's not infectious anyhow), and it says on the label, "Drink plenty water with this!". So, that's what I was doing, but I noticed that the water tasted slightly odd. When I looked into the glass, I could see that it was somewhat murky. I tried refilling it, but it was still the same. I flushed the capsule down with apple juice instead, but my stomach was already churning at the thought of the foul water which I had already ingested.
Anyhow, I phoned up Scottish Water, and surprisingly got an answer instantly, which threw me a bit for a start. I told the operator the problem and where I lived, and she said it was probably just air in the system from some maintenance nearby, creating tiny bubbles. So she checked the database and sure enough there had been mains water pipe repair in the area today. So, that was that, apparently I wouldn't suffer any ill effects.
Well, the water became clear shortly later and I'm still alive, but I do have a sensitive stomach, so I'm not entirely convinced that my insides are happy right now. Fingers crossed I'll be OK, I've read too much about crypto-sporidium and the like to be relaxed about what happened, but I think you can see the bacteria in the water if that's present, and my water was just dull. Like this post I guess!