I see that Mr.Yorke is undertaking another environmental campaign, and he's right of course when he lays the responsibility firmly at the door of the World's governments. The unfortunate part being, that (at least in the UK) the goverment then lays the responsibilty firmly upon the tax-paying public. They have somehow twisted it into a desperate need for more taxes on fuel, transport and whatever else they can tack on, as a tool for combatting climate change. The best part is how they've convinced the public that it's down to the individual to make a difference. Of course it isn't, and you must be mad if you think that to be true.
No single person will ever make a difference! Why not? Becuase even if the UK completely stopped carbon emissions overnight, the emerging nations in the East would make up the difference in 5 minutes, then quickly overtake it. I'm not just bandying numbers around. I have that time frame from a reliable source. Then of course there's the US! Need I say more, massive SUV's just to drop off a kid at school. Either everyone's pulling the same way, or it's all pointless.
It's true, I'm fairly cynical about any attempt to combat climate change. I admit that climate change is happening, and I recycle and so on. But I'm not even sure that once I sort out my waste that it actually is recycled. They could just dump the whole lot at the tip, and I supect that they often do, because there isn't an infrastructure to support it. Quite plainly this is what happens when agencies do sign up to environmental protocols. They just pretend that they're doing what they ought to be doing, while actually doing what ever they please. After all, if it looks like it's working, who's going to ask the question, "Is it really working?"