Maybe I'm getting old, but when I discuss the sweets of yesteryear with the lads at Uni, they look at me like some kind of nostalgic fool. They have never sampled the delights of:
- Spangles (Square Boiled Fruit Sweets)
- Pacers (Square Mint Flavoured Chews - White with green stripes around them)
- Texan Bar - See Above, lovely chocolate
Just as the food in the 70's was rubbish, the sweets were brilliant. At least that's the way I remember it. I do consider the possibility though, that they were only brilliant because the occasions on which I had any were so few and far between. Was I deprived? Nah! Money was tight right enough, but it was the same for everyone. When you got a sweet, you savoured it. It's true what they say, "You can have too much of a good thing!"
Our sweets are all Americanised now, and while some of them (such as M&M's, the peanut kind) are OK, in general I would say that sweets were better back then, it was the golden age of the Britiish sweet. Plus, they put way too much sugar into sweets nowadays, it wipes out the flavour. It's a disgusting practice which I condemn with all my vigour!