Monday, 28 May 2007

They Were Giants In Those Days!

What are we to make of the legends, myths and historical accounts of Giants walking upon the Earth? The Bible tells us that the race of the Nephilim, were Giants descended from the heavens who had interbred with human women. Norse, Hindi, Greek, Germanic and Celtic legends all speak of Giants who generally terrorised anyone who crossed their paths.

But, is it possible that they really existed? In a physical sense, science tells us that the mass to height ratio would not allow a being say 12 to 15 feet tall to be able to support itself, with the gravitational pull exerted on it. Theoretically, a Giant would have much slower body movements than us, and would be unable to throw a spear or hunt effectively.

Well, that's what the science says, but then haven't the skeletons of giants been unearthed all over the planet? Yes, they have, in Polynesia, New Zealand and North America, with many hushed up discoveries occuring in other countries. As with the New Zealand discoveries, as I've mentioned before, the Maori Chieftains were first to become aware that Giant red-haired skeletons had been discovered at Waipoua Forest in the 70's-80's. As has occured in many locations globally, the Maoris didn't want any evidence presented publicly which would indicate that other civilizations had persisted in New Zealand prior to the Maoris. The New Zealand Government bent over backwards to hide the evidence, even creating a new law allowing archaeological information to be withheld from the public for 75 years. The excavations at Waipoua Forest were swiftly terminated and the site made completely secure.

So, on the one hand, science tells us that Giants could not have existed, but skeletal finds suggest that they did indeed. Is it possible therefore that the gravitational forces acting upon us, were once far less than they are now? It would certainly explain a lot, and it would account for any Giant peoples having died out. They simply would have been unable to survive with an increased gravitational pull. I'm surprised there hasn't been more research on the DNA of the finds so far, but then again perhaps certain people would prefer those conclusions kept under wraps for now, and probably forever!