Yes, the waves have parted and like Moses I made it to the other-side relatively intact. Yesterday morning was my final exam (Network Systems), seemed to go reasonably well I think. Afterwards some fellow students and myself went for our lunch and a few (too many?) drinks and a game of pool. I was drinking Magners Irish Cider all-day, which is not a drink I would recommend for this type of activity, with hindsight. It's a nice drink, don't get me wrong, just not suitable for an all-day bender. I say that because I was so thirsty through the night, and my head was quite painful also (ah, the power of understatement).
Anyway, that's College over, so now what? Well I spent an hour on the phone this morning, dealing with a member of Job Centre staff, who now knows way too much about me IMO! Then I'll have my Rent and Council Tax to sort out, and I'll have to sort out the Child Tax Credits as well. The bureaucracy is astounding, so much paper-work, form filling, red-tape and bullshit. I would advise anyone seriously considering moving to the UK to have a job lined up first because you just don't want to have to deal with our benefits system. I t will drive you to despair, honestly.
I will be back to business shortly, with more astounding relevations about the past, but you'll just have to bear with me, as I sort out my financial affairs, which seem to have precedence always.