Why a picture of a toliet seat you ask? Because that's what I've been looking at for the last half hour. No I'm not ill! The simple fact is that my family are destructive as hell when it comes to toilet seats. They never seem to last any length of time. I only had the last one for under a month before it was annihilated! There may well be a partial excuse in the proximity of the radiator to the toilet, but I haven't broken any seats, and I'm probably the heaviest of us all. Anyway I had to pop in by B & Q earlier today to buy a replacement, so I tried one with a different attachment and it took me a while to work out how to fix it in place, as the instructions were laughable, and it wasn't exactly obvious. As it happens there is a small plastic component which slides out. How I was meant to work that out, I'm not sure.
Anyway, another long weekend coming up, decent weather too, so if I get caught up with all my paperwork tomorrow, that'll leave the weekend clear and on Sunday I'll probably take the family down the A9 to climb Meall Chuaich. An apparently easy enough Munro, which after last week, it better be. The kids won't forget that hike in a hurry, and won't let me forget about it either. That will leave next weekend clear to go and watch the new Indiana Jones film at the cinema. Not sure how good it will be, but who cares, how far wrong can you go with a franchise like that?
Four weeks to go until I finish my University course, at which point I will be a fully fledged probationer teacher. The probationer part seems harsh, but at least I will start getting some form of payment, and that can't be a bad thing with the student loans I have to pay back. It will literally take years, maybe even into double figures. Where are the incentives to enter the teaching profession? Besides the holidays, there are none. Most teachers could find easier, less stressful jobs, for more money. They're only there because that's what they want to do, or don't know any better.