Yes, I realised many moons ago, indeed when I was still a teenager, or even earlier, that red-haired people are at best argumentative and at worst psychotic. Believe me when I say this is a well proven theory, which since my deciding this was the case, every red-haired person that has crossed my path since that time, has done nothing to disprove.
I can't name names can I? Let's just say that in my experience there are certain traits which firmly attach themselves to carrot-tops. Firstly they are completely unpredictable. Secondly, they are often a danger to themselves and others. I asociate this still further with the star-sign Scorpio, although I've no obvious reasoning behind such an assumption, clearly a link was forged somewhere in the distant past. Perhaps it was mere coincidence that I had the misfortune to encounter more than one ginger snap, with a penchant for craziness, and an inclination to constantly reiterate their star-sign as being Scorpio. Coincidence or not, the facts have stuck with me all this time.
Where is my evidence you ask? Well, a copperhead nearly drowned my brother, by pushing him into the harbour, well aware that he couldn't swim. I also had a ginger "friend of a friend" who was quite happy to provoke large groups of drunken males and once jumped off a bridge, only he wasn't near enough the middle to do any permanent damage. He enjoyed violence and would laugh as he was fighting. Unstable? Psychotic? Insane? Yes, all of those! I had to completely cut myself off from him, he became so unbearable to be around. The gingerness took him over, it couldn't be stopped! That's not to say that there isn't a place for ginger nuts in society, I'm sure they could be put to some good use. For instance, I can see how those traits might come in useful manning a check-point near Basra or something!