Tuesday, 20 November 2007

A Light In the Dark!

I found this image someplace and thought I would "borrow" it for your viewing pleasure. Apparently, this event only takes place once a year and for 5 minutes only even then. Click on the image to see it full size, it really is a viewing pleasure.

Ok, I had today off, but I've been working from 9 till 9 basically, trying to get stuff organised for my Critical Observation later this week. Even while planning for this special one-off lesson, I still have to get material ready for other lessons, and it's difficult, believe me. Anyone who says that teachers have it easy is either lying or knows nothing about it. My experience so far tells me that teachers actually live teaching. It's all encompassing, you have very little time left for anything outside of the school.

I have so many other things I'd like to get done right now, films to watch, books to read, music to listen to, and theres is absolutely no chance of me finding the time for those things for at least another 3 weeks. I have this week and next of school experience, and a week later I have an assignment to be submitted. It's going to be intense!