What could be more thrilling than a "Magnum" ride? My recollection is that it was Magnum P.I. and that he was as hairy as a man should ever be! Didn't he have a butler as well? I'm sure it would be far more exciting than an "A-Team" ride, well possibly not more exciting, but certainly more sophisticated. It's hard to think of "The Face" from the A-Team as anything more than a poor man's Magnum isn't it? Anyway, the A-Team never killed anyone, but Magnum could have if he'd had to. There was never any suggestion that he couldn't kill, he just didn't have to. Whereas, the A-Team had to, but didn't in order to prove that they hadn't killed the guys that they were supposedly framed for killing.
I think "Murdoch" probably killed them, and because he was such a nut-job didn't even know he'd done it. That might explain where the misunderstanding came about concerning who might have killed who. If Murdoch had received electro-shock therapy earlier in the day, all that nastiness might have been avoided, and the A-Team wouldn't have been reduced from an elite combat unit, to a mobile, mercenary, domestic problem-solving, bunch of losers.
Were they ever reconciled with top brass? I don't remember, and wonder very much if I'd actually cared in the first place. Anyway, a "Fall Guy" fairground ride, now that would be the ultimate. The Fall Guy was one of those shows which I tried hard not to like, but just couldn't help liking. Lee Majors was so personable, it was impossible not to be taken in by his wry grin. Anyway, I wonder where in the World this Magnum ride is located, I would guess Florida, maybe California. Answers in writing to; PO Box 115, Magnum Ride Location, Ulan Bator, Outer Mongolia.