Do you remember the mid 80's, when we were all going to die in a nuclear winter? They used to have these information cartoons telling us what to do in the event of an atomic armageddon. Not applicable if you lived within the blast radius though, as your flesh would be instantly melted, and your bones turned to dust. Otherwise, a matress under the stairs would prove sufficient to protect you, possibly from falling debris, I'm not sure. They tended to focus on the moment of the nuclear missile's impact and the period immediately after. There was no mention of the global nuclear winter to follow, the death of all plant life, and the subsequent resorting to cannibalism once all the animals were gone. A never-ending supply of tinned goods, and a nuclear bunker would be handy at this juncture, but would only be available for those who instigated the war in the first place.
I've just realised that I've pretty much broken down the lyrical content of "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath there, except for the "witches gathered in black masses" part, but since I've covered that in a previous post, I will consider myself fully exhonerated. Why the bunker thing today? Not really sure, I think it's Aberdeen that's affecting me. Yesterday, we were in the car-park which felt underground although it wasn't, the orthdonstist was in a basement, and maybe it's just cities in general, but the darkness and sunbterranean elements are most unappealing for me. Aberdeen in particular with it's grey granite buildings and some horrendous architecture, is just not a nice looking city. Need I moan anymore today? I don't think so. I'm tired, but tomorrow I will be back refreshed and possibly with something reasonably worth itterating!