It's extremely fortunate for you US citizens, to have a President with such great insight. Along with his Vice-President, they have realised that the last column in this picture is the most dangerous. They call this the Fifth Column, and the guys who make this particular column are called Fifth Columnists. Clearly such a column is created to undermine society, so in order to stop these Fifth Columnists, they have had to build 500 concentration camps around the country, each able to hold 5,000 individuals. There seem to be a lot of column makers going around. It only seems fair that the Vice-President award the contract to a company he has major shares in, because can anyone else really be trusted with a task of this importance?
How are they going to find these column makers then? It seems that they will take the guise of protestors against US foreign policy, otherwise known as terrorists. Certainly, speaking out against your own goverment is at best unpatriotic, but more than likely signifies your role as a collaborator. Good people will be able to express their patriotism by ensuring that their unpatriotic neighbours are consigned to these concentration camps, for the good of all.
It might be necessary to establish Martial Law at this point, because the President has taken steps to ensure that the Constitution will pose no barrier to his ruling the country forever, in the case of a national emergency. The Fifth Columnists will have aligned themselves with nationals from countries where there's oil, hoping to get themselves invaded so that the oil can be taken forcibly from them. If this happens then the President will control the World, unless of course he stops China or Russia from getting the supplies they require. If it gets to that point, don't worry, because your great leader will have the answer to avoiding Armageddon. Apparently he talks to God on a regular basis!