Thursday, 4 October 2007

The Bytes Of Time!

I've decided that I really fancy one of these Binary watches, if for no other reason than to be able to show it to someone asking me the time. I'm sure their bewilderment would be priceless. Even so, I think I'd prefer one without the place values, unlike the one above has. That's sort of giving the game away a bit, isn't it?

Maybe, I'm just being a bit computer geekish wanting one of these, but since I'm intending becoming an IT teacher, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to possess one. It could even be used as an additional resource when explaining the concepts of binary to the pupils. I had considered the concept of a Hex watch, (I've checked they don't exist), but to be honest, by the time I worked out what the time was from a Hex watch, it would already be too late to do whatever it was I was going to do.

Oh, by the way, if you're reading this and you don't know what binary is, then check out this page and become even more confused! Honestly though, it's not rocket science, it's computer science, and even though rockets use computers and therefore binary (thus proving I lied), binary is still an easy concept to grasp. You think binary is bad, check out hexidecimal! Oh, and I'll state categorically here and now, while we're on the subject, that I don't believe for a second that the Americans ever landed on the Moon. Ah... conspiracy theory you say. Maybe so! Well this is 2007 and they can barely make it into space, so it doesn't take a genius to work out that Armstrong and Aldrin probably only made it as far as Hollywood. I really believe that the whole thing was just a massive propaganda coup for the Americans at the height of the Cold War!

You may diagree with that. If you do, feel free to say so, but you better be able to prove it. There isn't anything you can say that I won't be able to refute though, so be warned! Logic does not come into it.