Wednesday, 7 November 2007

The Bonfire Of the Nanny State!

Well, I completely missed Bonfire night this year, given what I've gotten myself into. I did spot the odd firework, but I just wasn't feeling it I'm afraid. It's a shame really, because it's only a matter of time before the Local Authorities start preventing people from having them altogether. You know, Health and Safety, the strain it places on the fire service. All that nonsense! The World's going to hell in a handcart, at least that would be the case if handcarts still existed hereabouts. Those would be a health hazard, anywhere outside of South East Asia.

Do people still burn a guy on the bonfire? Do they even realise what it signifies? The fact that he represents the man who had the greatest and most audacious idea for a plot ever, in the history of the World, except that it was a set up. To think that they were going to get rid of the royals, the politicians and the church leaders in one fell swoop. Now that's a masterplan that even a Bond villain would think twice about undertaking.

It's all a moot point really, as Fawkes was not burned at the stake, but was sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered. Fawkes even managed to escape the worst of it, by jumping from the scaffold and snapping his neck. The drawing bit was barbaric in the extreme and that's a fact. A wise man to avoid giving that sadistic pleasure to his captors!