So, Tony's done a deal on the revived European Constitution, and it only remains for Gordon Brown to ratify it ASAP (at least before anyone can examine the detail). What's more, Tony has allegedly secured agreement on Britain retaining all the powers we wanted to keep, so a referendum will no longer be necessary (he says!).
That's the official story anyway, but as a Eurosceptic, I doubt that there's much more than a thinly veiled bunch of double-dealing going on right there. Only last week it was said that the UK's desire to hold on to those key powers would potentially scupper the whole deal, if we insisted on it. Then it goes through without any complaints at all? So, what's changed? Obvious really, it's clearly been agreed that we can keep those powers, just until the signature dries. As soon as we've signed up to it, the fineprint will reveal that each right that we've retained will be slowly whittled away piece by piece, until we're powerless against the jackboots of the Eurocratic Army!
First up, Germany and France (probably Italy too) want to re-write the history books, that part about the World Wars, let's play those down for a start, or better still, remove them altogether. Genocide of the Jews, can't have that either, because let's face it, we thought we'd won the War, but no, that was just a battle, the real victors are about to emerge and take control of their empire, just as they originally intended.
The whole EU thing just stinks so badly. The only thing that will come out of bringing so many countries together is, when one of those countries realises it's getting a raw deal and wants out, the big guns will say "Too late, you signed up to it, try and get out and we'll crush you with a New Blitzkreig!" So then, every country will take their side, and you have another World War.... nice.
What's more, the Eurocrats are as corrupt as can be and refuse to allow any auditing into their financial double-dealings. Those who were caught flagrantly stealing billions of euros were pensioned off with a pat on the back... absolutely ridiculous. Believe me, the whole thing will end in tears, it can't fail to!