How many times have you heard it, "You need to be Saved!" or "You have to let Jesus into your heart!" or something along those lines. I've heard it so many times. Well, you know what, don't worry about me, my conscience is clear. The only people who believe in being saved, are those who are looking for some sort of backdoor into heaven. They've done bad stuff in the past, then with one stroke it's all forgotten about and the way ahead is clear. There are of course those who buy into the idea because they're easily led by stronger personalities, weak willed people, of whom there are so many.
Well, my ideas of what comes after don't require any priests churches or self-appointed zealots to show me the way. I concur with the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, which Buddhist philosophy is also akin to. On the day of judgement I expect to stand upon the scales of justice, look back on my life and decide whether I'm worthy. You see how that works, there is no way of erasing wht you've done, what's done is done, accept it! You always had a choice between right and wrong, and if you chose to follow the wrong path, then I'm afraid no-one can save you.
Christianity provides such a convenient system, that's why ex-cons frequently seek refuge in religion, not because they've found God, not because they're remorseful, but because those people tell them that they can wipe the slate clean for them, and once accepted, those same people will tell you how that ex-con is a good person really, they were possessed by demons or something when they did the bad stuff. Sure... It's not demons, it's DNA. Not only DNA, but Materialism as well. Get the combination right, and you find people willing to do anything to get what they want, including being saved if necessary!