Thursday, 28 October 2010

Marching Orders!

What a frustrating time. I'm getting booted out of my job, but I have to work for another month. It's humiliating really. "We don't want you here anymore, but you can't leave until we say so!" Leave me some dignity please! It is fairly ridiculous anyway. The reason I'm being edged out as far as I can tell, is mainly owing to my superior knowledge over my superior. Do you get that? His background lies elsewhere and my ability to make his lack of knowledge plain for all to see is clearly more than he can live with on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, I had to be disposed of! He laso has the ear of the boss, while the boss also fears the complexity of what I do and together their child-like ignorance in their interpretation of what it is I do has caused them to desire my no longer doing it.

That being said, if I'd had the chance I would have left before now anyway. I could see which way the wind was blowing. A general dumbing-down has been brought into play, which is clearly a necessary coping mechanism for those with the minds of children. I wanted out before they got me out and now I only have a month to find alternative employment. Unfortunately, I have to keep working during that period when I'd rather be using the time to look for a suitable post. I'm hopeful that I'll find something, but if I don't, well it's not the end of the World. I've suffered worse and survived. Anyway, I'm a firm beliver in "what goes around comes around", so those that shafted me ought in turn be shafted themselves. The sooner and the harder, the better!