Monday, 17 December 2007

Lying Their Heads Off!

I've told you before how recorded history and our perception of ancient times, is but a tissue of lies. I've been thinking about it, and it's no wonder that we generally accept the lies we're told about the past, because we're also being lied to constantly about the future and especially about the present. The governments are lying, the police are lying, the intelligence services are lying, scientists are lying, and we lie to ourselves when we acept their word as truth.

So, it's not hard to see how history is founded on lies, because the people who recorded it were being lied to at the time. The truth is something of an anomalie in history, it seems like it doesn't belong, because it is surrounded by lies. For instance, did Gnaeus Julius Agricola score a great victory over the Picts at the battle of Mons Graupius? History says he did, history being the written record of Tacitus, Agricola's son-in-law. Surely he wouldn't have lied or exaggerated about those events.

More recent memory make us wonder just how big the lies our own governments feed us, can get? Promised a referendum on the EU Constitution, and returned to power on that basis, only to slap the people in the face, and surrender sovereignty to the very people we fought 2 World Wars against. Unbelievable! Then there's climate change, what's really happening? I know what we're being told, and I know how it will affect me. Apparently I need to pay more Road Tax for my car, extra fuel duty if I fly and pay to have my rubbish emptied (which I already pay Council Tax for). Only in this way, can I save the planet! Would it be cynical of me to suspect that governments Worldwide are opportunists seizing on the chance to bleed us dry in the name of Planetary salvation?

I'm almost certain that the figures have been massaged. Yes, climate change is happening and man could be to blame, but we all know that countries such as the U.S., China and India, as well as some Eastern European countries are definitely not giving a shit, yet we must pay for it! Let me put it this way, no amount of money paid by people in the UK, or any household energy savings here in the UK are going to make a grain of difference. The goverment know that, it's time you realised... you're being lied to again!