Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Into the Abyss!

Our present Labour goverment must think themselves untouchable, beyond reproach, for at the moment they're so flying in the face of public opinion that it's almost obscene. What's more they seem to shamelessly revel in the fact! It has been revealed that Chancellor Alistair Darling's plans to hike Road Taxes are way more far-reaching than first thought, they're going to hit the public hard. It has also to be considered that the recent fuel crisis has made both the government and the oil companies an absolute fortune.

My biggest concern, and a very valid one it is too, as all of this ties together, is that hauliers are going bust daily because of the fuel prices. This has a knock-on effect, firstly, surviving haulage firms will increase their charges, and secondly the cost of the goods being transported will increase to make up for the increased transport costs. This is already evident in the soaring food prices, which to be fair are also rising anyway, because of global shortages. Expect the cost of food and all other goods to keep going up for the unforseeable future.

To get back to my main point, the government is doing nothing to get us out of the economic crisis we're spinning headlong into, despite Gordon Brown's "The economy is my main concern right now". The economy was always his concern, and look what he's done to it. I for one am very discontent and I imagine the peasantry at large are discontent too. How much of a shambles do we have to put up with before changes are made at the top. Get those fools out of there now before they ruin us all!