Wednesday, 18 April 2007

The New Shmoo and Project Pessimism !

I remeber fondly the New Shmoo, from when I was a kid. I have a particuarly vivid recollection of him turning into a ladder, so that the gang could make their way across some pit or other. Apparently he turned into what ever nearby humans wished for, and of course food was a particular favourite. Anyway, I have this web-design project I'm doing at college. It's a team project with a project plan and everything. Today we had our weekly team meeting and one of the team (no names) claimed we were pretty well on target. To which, I had to remind him, we are 4 weeks adrift with 2 weeks remaining. He just refused to share my pessimism and like a good shmoo tried to give me what I wanted. But, it's not real, I can't realistically have 4 weeks in a 2 week period, no more than an animal can morph into a pit-bridging tool.