Wednesday, 10 October 2007

I Hate Clothes Shopping!

Is that too strong, "I Hate Clothes Shopping!"? Is it hell! I hate it with a vengeance. Look at the clothes rack in the picture. If you're a woman, you'll probably be going "Hmm, look at the lovely colours" etc, but if you're a man of my disposition then you'll surely be thinking, "Look at that tat, looks like a jumble sale!" and feeling slightly queasy!

It's not a new found hatred. It's been around for a long time, but my wife does nothing to combat it, in fact she seems determined to make me suffer, by ensuring that I spend as much time as possible in clothes shops, while I feel my will to live draining away. For instance, today we went to Elgin to collect my son and my own, kilts for the graduation ceremony on Friday. My daughter got a dress last week, but my wife still had "nothing suitable" for the occasion.

So we wnet to Dorothy Perkins, New Look, Internacionale, TK Maxx, Happit, Marks & Spencers and finally Tesco, where she bought an outfit. So she got an outfit, but now I'm dead inside. This outfit will no doubt be worn once and never see the light of day again. You see me now, I only buy clothes on the basis of necessity. If I need an item of clothing or footwear, I will go to a specific shop, locate something passable and purchase it. That is how it's done. How do women shop then? This is how, they imagine an item of clothing in their head, then they drag you around every clothes shop they can find, quite surprised that none of them have the clothes item they require.

As I type this, I'm sitting here waiting for an E-mail confirming my activation code to download the new Radiohead album "In Rainbows", which is to be made available today. I see that they might have just intiated the death of the recording industry. Yesterday they were saying in the news that Trent Reznor has followed suit and parted company with his record label, and today the word is that Oasis and Jamiroquai are mooting similar ideas. As always Radiohead show the path for others to follow!