Feeling rather spontaneous this morning, and having spotted this bizarre looking creature (see photo) in the fruit & veg aisle of Asda's, I went ahead and bought myself a pair of the strange looking Dragonfruit things. You should realise if you're reading this and wondering why I haven't had any before, just let me point out that these are alien to Scotland, I've never seen them before, and the price reflected that! I wouldn't have bothered if I hadn't read a small note at the side which claimed they were similar to Kiwi fruit in taste. That claim will shortly be put to the test and I'll let you know the results tomorrow. Suffice to say, the images I've seen of the inside cause me to doubt the veracity of the Kiwi claim.
Also this morning, we managed to pick up a few early Chrismas presents, mainly toys for nieces and nephews, God knows what our kids will be getting. Unfortunately, my daughter also informed me at lunchtime, that while looking for batteries, she found a receipt from Toys R'Us with all her Christmas presents from last year on it. She's a smart cookie, so as of now, Santa is officially dead in this house, I'm afraid. Ah well, he had a good run.
Anyway, at this rate, Labour will have Christmas abolished in this country. They've had a think-tank spewing out nonsense such as:
Let's call it Winterval instead of Christmas
Put Holiday Greetings instead of Best Wishes on your Christmas cards
Let's celebrate the holidays of other religions than Christinanity, with just as much relish
All of this is aimed at making the soaring numbers of immigrants feel more welcome when they get here. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against immigrants, but there has to be a limit. Besides which, surely preaching tolerance and integration should be directed at them. not at us, we're not the ones starting a new life abroad. And if the roles were reversed, we wouldn't expect them to change for us. That would be ridiculous. Anyway, I've never heard of any immigrant coming to this countrty and complaining about Christmas, they're not bothered in the slightest. But, these people who clearly know nothing about foreign cultures, deem it in everyone's best interest, for us to change our whole way of life to suit. It just ain't gonna happen! I embrace foreign culture, they've got as lot to offer, but what's so wrong with our own culture, that we should change?