Thursday, 6 March 2008

A Pox Upon You!

My voice seems to be going again. I've had a sore throat since lunch, and I'll be right fed-up if I get ill again. I don't want this blog to sound like a forum for me to moan about my poor health, but it's difficult to think of anything else when you're not feeling too hot. Last week was inconvenient, and I really don't think I can afford to get ill again so soon, especially with, as I said before, an important observation due any day now.

I'm determined to fight it this time, no wait, I was determined last time, and look where that got me. I would take precautions, but I've tried that as well, and it seems, if you're in the company of germ-ridden people, then your chances of not catching their bugs are slim indeed!

Nevermind, it's almost the weekend again, and I'm hoping to get out on the hills, come what may. I do have a hill in mind, the sister peak of a hill I've already been up. No names, It's too soon. It should be a good walk though, everything going to plan, which it seldom does. I'll let you know either way, otherwise you'd be left pondering my situation. Can't have that!