Did I ever tell you my theory on the powers of humanity before written language was formed? No, I don't think I did. Well, I'll tell you now, and you can shoot it down if you like, everyone has their own opinion and most are wrong. I use the power of reason to fashion my arguments, but it's increasingly difficult to find rational people capable of reasoned thinking anymore. Why is it that folk are willing to accept any scientific theory thrown at them if it comes from a "reputable" source? It's the guys who can think outside the box, the so called crackpots, who make the major breakthrough's, and it's only generations later that they're accepted as geniuses.
Anyway, I'm no genius, but here goes. Clearly before written language appeared, oral traditions and histories were the key to civilization. I suspect that in places such as Egypt and South America, priesthood's held sway over the people, and to concentrate and magnify their powers, the spoken word when used correctly, particularly in secret rites, took on magical properties.
The dilemna we're dealing with here, is a positive shift from right-brain to left-brain thought patterns with the development of writing. I believe that before writing, socities influenced by the spoken word alone, thought in an entirely different way. Being able to think in a very different way also means being able to do things that you wouldn't otherwise. I believe that such people would have been deeply empathetic, intuitive and instinctive and far more able to develop powers of animal kinship, psychic powers, and possibly tele-kinetic powers.
You think I'm talking absolute nonsense, but I'm not entirely making this up. There is much evidence to suggest that such things are true. For instance, we know little about the power of sound in ancient times, but clearly the Egptians knew secrets long since lost. Ancient texts allude to large scale construction projects, where they placed a sacred hieroglyph on a papyrus leaf, under a block, and upon a certain note being intoned by a group of individuals, the rock would fly through the air to it's desired location. I'm not going to tell you any more, find out for yourself!