Saturday, 6 October 2007

There Is No Conspiracy!

It has been suggested to me in the past that I'm something of a conspracy theorist, but I've always defended myself by claiming that there's no such thing as a conspiracy! The fact that a goverment, a religion, a business or any assortment of inviduals or agencies, set out with an agenda to deceive or to fool the public at large, is not in question. It happens all the time, and probably has done since time immemorial. Almost certainly Emperors and Pharaohs et al, indulged themeselves in some whole-scale deceit. After all, isn't conspiracy just spin-doctoring cranked up several notches?

The worst of it is, that I have several firm beliefs, based entirely on the volume of data I've viewed supporting those beliefs, that I can't publicly air, certainly not in such an open forum as this. I'm no crack-pot either, I know my stuff. The trouble with the public at large is, that they tend to believe what they're told, because like Jack Nicholson said, "You can't handle the truth!" Never was a truer word said. The really surprising thing I find though, is the willingness of even hugely intelligent people to buy into stories which are frankly laughable. Their outright submission to the word of authority is pathetic really, although perhaps not necessarily surprising given the scale of some deceits. It's unconceivable to many that their own government would subject them to atrocity, but take a look at Zimbabwe or Burma, that's the model for conformity.

I'm not a cynic if that's what you're thinking. Let's just say I'm a good bullshit-ometer. I'm a paradox really, because I also believe in things that others might deem ridiculous, for the same reasons as I don't concur with several widely held opinions. Look at the evidence, weight it up and make a rational decision one way or the other. You can then judge further evidence in light of that conclusion, readjusting your thinking if necessary. That's what rationalisation is about, and I'm a very rational person. Based on that rationality, I can hereby inform you that the World is going to hell in a handcart!