Tuesday, 4 December 2007

The Shape Of Things To Come!

Yes, this post has been delayed, just like I was heavily delayed yesterday. It was my first day back at Uni, and unbeknowest to me, there were engineering works going on somewhere along the railway line between Keith and Inverurie. Only after I had purchased my ticket did I realise what the buses were waiting outside for. Damn it, I hate buses even more than the train! Anyway, the upshot was; the bus took us to Inverurie, then we got on the train there and arrived at Aberdeen a good 45 minutes late. Coming back at night was no better The train left half-an-hour earlier than usual, but the bus journey was just throughly unpleasant. I had a migraine when I got home, so I didn't feel like posting at that time.

Today, I'm up to my neck in learning theory; Piaget, Bruner, Vygotsky, Skinner, Gardner, Golemore and Maslow. Who are they you ask? Those my fine fellow, are the gentlemen who have shaped modern education. Their influence is far reaching. Most of them are however dead!

I would like to spare you more time, but I really must get back to it. This assignment has to be turned in on Monday. After that Perhaps I will have more time on my hands to produce some quality posts for your perusal. I really hope so, I like to write the thought provoking stuff, but it does require thinking time, and that's in scarce supply right now!