Thursday, 30 August 2007

I've Lost My Smell!

Got a bit of a double boost when I arrived home this evening. First off, my certificate for my BSc had arrived, and secondly, on starting up my computer, I spotted that my internet speed has doubled yet again. Furthermore, my upload speed has also doubled, that's a first. Although, it's still 1/10th of my download speed.

Otherwise, it seems Uni has changed me! In what way you ask? Well, I think I've lost my smell. Everyone has their own unique natural smell, which you will know very well and be accustomed to. However, mine has changed, and I blame public transport for the outrage. I don't like my new smell, it smells of trains and buses, and worse, of the great unwashed. It makes me feel dirty, and I just want to get in to the shower right now. But, I feel it is my duty to report this to you, so that you will be better prepared, should you have to resort to public transport yourself in future. God help you! It's not pleasant, it's not funny and it steals your smell.

I enjoyed today. Today we had an active teacher come in and tell us a bit about what teaching is like right now, what issues we will face and how we will be given the tools to deal with them. Basically, at the lowest level, he told us that a teacher is an actor. You have to seem confident when you're nervous. You have to act knowledgable, even though the kids ask questions you don't have the answer to. There are tools for coping with these things, all that's needed is a tool-box to put those tools into.