Monday, 29 October 2007

Odds and Sods!

Just some odds and ends today because it's been a long day, I'm tired and I've got a bit of a sore head. Some good telly last night with Top Gear and the first part of Ewen McGregor's "Long Way Down". If you haven't heard of Ewen McGregor, or happen to be uncertain about why he might be travelling down the way for some distance, then try Wikipedia or Google. It's not up to me to clarify every little point you want to nitpick.

Random irritations today. No wait, major irritations actually. The railway-men (whomever they may be) were installing new signals between Dyce and Aberdeen over the weekend and they were meant to be finished by 4am this morning. But nay, they weren't finished and delayed my train by 45 minutes, causing me to be late for perhaps the most crucial lecture ever, by over 20 minutes. Sods Law, I think they call that.

Anyway, my problems are not so bad. My son had to get 2 teeth extracted today, and there's another 2 to get pulled next Monday, in preparation for his first brace fitting next Wednesday. I've assured him that it's all for a good cause, as with his teeth straightened, he'll be able to get a better looking girlfriend, and therefore potentially, my future grand-children will probably be better looking than otherwise. Safe to say, at the age of 13, this is not the kind of stuff he wants to hear me saying, but hey, valid points don't you think?