Saturday, 30 June 2007
Damn Those Eyes!
Friday, 29 June 2007
So You Think You're Royal?
Thursday, 28 June 2007
The Cult Of Celebrity!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
The Golden Age Of Television!
Those are but a few. Kids TV was equally fantastic, with Will O' The Wisp, Jamie and the Magic Torch, Bagpuss, Captain Pugwash and so on and so forth. However, what's truly missing from modern TV scheduling in particular is the Saturday night super line-up. When I was a kid, the whole family could sit down on Saturday night, expecting and usually getting an excellent evening's entertainment. Nowadays, it's all reality shows and fame hunting wannabe shows. It's bland, pointless, non-entertaining and frankly patronising.
So why do they get away with it? Well to be honest, I think people would sit and watch anything, so the fact that they watch reality shows should be no surprise. The latest Big Brother series is in a way ironic I reckon. They've filled a house with empty-headed imbeciles and empty-headed imbeciles quite happily sit for hours lapping up their non-sensical babble and pearls of wisdom, ie:
Liam mentions Romeo and Juliet.
Brian: "What's Romeo and Juliet? Ain't Romeo that geezer out of So Solid Crew?"
Liam: "No, Romeo and Juliet is a play by Shakespeare!"
Brian: "Who's Shakespeare?"
Liam "He's a famous playwright!"
Brian: "What? Somebody's famous for writing plays?"
Liam: "Yeah, everyone's heard of him!"
Brian: "I didn't really pay much attention at school!"
Personally, I would question whether Brian ever went to school, becaus in my recolletion, you had to do at least a couple Shakespeare plays in Secondary. That and Lord Of the Flies... unavoidable! To be fair, that conversation is slightly entertaining, but just think to yourself how amny people must have been watching that and thinking "Yeah, who the hell IS Shakespeare?" And that's the really sad part, what the hell are kids learning at school? Maybe if they showed some Shakespeare on the TV, kids would have a better idea who he was. However, I suspect that there's a much bigger can of worms to be opened, once you start probing the minds of young adults and comparing what they should know with what they actually do know. I suspect severe deficiencies in several departments! I'm 36 by the way!
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
The Origins Of Modern English!
Monday, 25 June 2007
Rain Down On Me... From A Great Height!
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Apocalypto Now!
Saturday, 23 June 2007
European Constitution Or Fourth Reich?
So, Tony's done a deal on the revived European Constitution, and it only remains for Gordon Brown to ratify it ASAP (at least before anyone can examine the detail). What's more, Tony has allegedly secured agreement on Britain retaining all the powers we wanted to keep, so a referendum will no longer be necessary (he says!).
That's the official story anyway, but as a Eurosceptic, I doubt that there's much more than a thinly veiled bunch of double-dealing going on right there. Only last week it was said that the UK's desire to hold on to those key powers would potentially scupper the whole deal, if we insisted on it. Then it goes through without any complaints at all? So, what's changed? Obvious really, it's clearly been agreed that we can keep those powers, just until the signature dries. As soon as we've signed up to it, the fineprint will reveal that each right that we've retained will be slowly whittled away piece by piece, until we're powerless against the jackboots of the Eurocratic Army!
First up, Germany and France (probably Italy too) want to re-write the history books, that part about the World Wars, let's play those down for a start, or better still, remove them altogether. Genocide of the Jews, can't have that either, because let's face it, we thought we'd won the War, but no, that was just a battle, the real victors are about to emerge and take control of their empire, just as they originally intended.
The whole EU thing just stinks so badly. The only thing that will come out of bringing so many countries together is, when one of those countries realises it's getting a raw deal and wants out, the big guns will say "Too late, you signed up to it, try and get out and we'll crush you with a New Blitzkreig!" So then, every country will take their side, and you have another World War.... nice.
What's more, the Eurocrats are as corrupt as can be and refuse to allow any auditing into their financial double-dealings. Those who were caught flagrantly stealing billions of euros were pensioned off with a pat on the back... absolutely ridiculous. Believe me, the whole thing will end in tears, it can't fail to!
Friday, 22 June 2007
Wave Upon Wave Upon Wave!
Thursday, 21 June 2007
A Brief History Of Time!
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Just What the Doctor Ordered!
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Would the Real King Arthur Please Stand Up!
Monday, 18 June 2007
Roman Destruction Of the Druids!
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Unlocking the Templar Secret!
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Ticket to Ride!
Friday, 15 June 2007
Did Mayans Anticipate Pole-shift?
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Moses Rewrites History to Forge A Nation!
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Don't Save Me, Save Yourself!
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Eco-friendly Travel In the 21st Century!
- Travelling takes too long
- Travelling is uncomfortable
- Travelling alone is boring
- Travelling with others is annoying
- Cars are unreliable, costly and non-eco-friendly
- Roads are unreliable, costly and un-eco-friendly
Monday, 11 June 2007
I'll Have A Pizza That Francesco!
Sunday, 10 June 2007
This Spartan Existence!
Saturday, 9 June 2007
The Science Of the Dead!
Friday, 8 June 2007
Just One Cornetto... Give It To Me!
Thursday, 7 June 2007
The Problems with the Crucifixion!
- Why did Jesus die so quickly on the cross, when usually it took days to die?
- Why did Jesus appear to die immediately after having his lips soaked by the sponge containing vinegar, was it perhaps some sort of knock-out drug used instead?
- Why did blood pour from the wound in Jesus side, inflicted by a Roman soldier? Had he really been dead, he would not have bled so easily!
- Why was Jesus body taken down so quickly? Usually the body would have been left for a significant period of time, before removal from the cross.
The answers are not immediately apparent, but can be deduced quite easily. Firstly, crucifixions were public events, and the crucifxion of Jesus was no exception, only it took place in a private garden owned by Joseph of Arimathea, and any spectators were at some distance from the event.
Secondly, the Passover was used as a pretext for taking down the body of Jesus, and as such he had to appear to die quickly. The usual practice was to leave the condemned man on the cross until his chest began to collapse from supporting his own weight, at which point the knees would have been smashed, to bring a swift conclusion to the suffering. However, we can clearly see that it wasn't intended that Jesus should suffer such a fate, so his apparent death had to be brought on prematurely. Thus the application of the sponge. There were plenty drugs found naturally in Israel at that time, which when applied correctly could slow down someones heart-rate significantly enough to cause them to appear to be dead, and it seems that that is what happened. The bleeding from the spear wound suggests that he was quite alive as he was taken down and hurried to his tomb, where we can assume he was attended to throughout the night.
So why would such an event be orchestrated in the first place? Well, Jesus appeared to die a martyrs death and be resurrected. He's looking pretty good so far. He gets to leave all his trouble behind and head for pastures new, presumably India. The Romans didn't care about Jesus, but he had some powerful friends who were able to direct the full course of events. Presumably, Pontius Pilate was aware of what was to happen, his only dicatate being that Jesus disappears forever, and that everyone believes him to be dead. Perhaps Jesus wanted to appear before the people like an angel risen from the dead, but was so prohibited by the Romans that he was left with no choice but to leave, otherwise, next time it would be for real!
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Foucault's Key To the Templars Tribal Legacy!
I'm none of those unfortunately, so I had to work my ass off. These are the booking awaiting a read from my dusty bookcase:
Seems eclectic at first glance, but when I look again at the list I can see a common thread, but perhaps that's just my mindset right now from reading Foucault's Pendulum!
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
The New Adventures Of Tintin!
Monday, 4 June 2007
The Ghost In the Machine!
Around the year 2000, I think it was, I was working in a very large sawmill, operating some gargantuan machine which spewed out boards at an alarming rate. As, everything was automated, there were just myself and an older guy working in that area of the mill. That part of the mill had been built just the year previous, maybe 2 years earlier, and during construction, a Swedish guy, who had been overseeing the operation was inadvertently killed by a rather large vehicle. The details of which are rather grisly and slightly dubious, so I won't divulge them here.
Anyhow, I was working away there one day, it was a nice sunny day, I was fairly relaxed I guess, I think it was a Friday, so the week was almost over. Next thing, I sensed someone running up behind me, and I thought they were going to grab the back of my neck. I suspected it was the fork-lift driver who worked at the end of our line, as he often came in with new orders or to realy some problem with the conveyor, and that was the sort of thing he'd do. Because, the machinery was elevated, about 7 feet off the ground we were working on this wooden flooring, and so I felt the vibrations as though someone was running up behind me, and at the same time, I had looked down and saw a shadow coming up from behind me.
So, given all of those indications that I was about to be grabbed from behind (I even felt as though I was grabbed, afterwards), you can imagine the surprise I got when I turned around and there was nobody there. I got a real scare. I went to see "Anon" who worked with me, but was at the far end of the machine, and at that time out of sight. I said to him, quite seriously, "I think this place is haunted!" He was a fairly sober guy, so I thought he would chide me and tell me not to be ridiculous, but au contraire. He replied "Yes, but he's a friendly ghost, he likes to knock things over for a laugh, he doesn't mean any harm!"
I've never forgotten that encounter and frequently wonder if the Swedish guy was trying to get my attention, as it seemed that he was "allegedly" held partially responsible for his own death, when rumours to the contrary suggested that, he was probably entirely blameless. No further comment!