Who was the msyterious gentleman pictured above, who styled himself the Comte De St.Germain? and besides his love for ostentatious jewellery and his command of several languages, what secret did he possesss that made him apparently ageless? For the Comte was not only an extremely knowledgable man with wisdom seemingly beyond the grasp of a mere mortal, but he also moved freely among the aristocracy of Europe for at least two centuries, while always maintaining the appearance of a man in his late forties. His first documented appearance was in 1700, and his last in 1896, which would have made him around 245.
The man is all the more remarkable for the information he imparted to certain individuals, for instance it is told that he had descibed locomotives, steamships and space travel. He was supected to be none other than Christian Rosenkreutz himself, and was said to possess the Elixir of Life. He himself claimed to be 4000 years old owing to his discovery of the Elixir of Life, and that he had gone under many guises throughout that time, but it's true that he had access to untold wealth, and his advice and company were sought by almost every European monarch.
You can decide for yourself whether the Comte was a charlatan, or if he did indeed possess the secret of eternal life. Perhaps other cirumstances contributed to his ability to live to an impossible age at a time when the average life expectancy was only 35 years of age. Who knows? But, it's certainly a compelling tale, that's for sure!
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