Monday, 17 March 2008

Back to Basics!

This week has started like one of those weeks where you just can't be bothered! After all the tension, anxiety and effort I put in last week, this week feels like an anti-climax. I've done the job I came to do, and now I'm ready to move on to my next major goal, which takes the form of a written assessment. With that out of the way I'll be virtually home and dry!

It was the last in the series of "Lewis" last night, which is watchable, but lacks so much of what made "Morse" what it was. I could continue a previous rant I had on here, about the quality of script writing for television in general, and how I suspect that they're hiring young script writers who have next to nothing experience of the World, and therefore the scripts are shit! But, I'm not going to do that because I've done it before. Yes, the Americans have overtaken us as far as script writing goes, I've noticed that even just from clips of new shows that I've caught, and, I'm still watching "Lost" after 77 episodes and Im not bored yet!

Maybe it's just my age (I'm not old), but my expectations of what make good telly have either changed dramatically or the quality of the shows has declined dramtically, and I think I know which it is. Even the film industry seems to have lost it's way, so called big screen blockbusters, keep turning out to be fairly bog-standard. It's not like way back before I was even born, films like Spartacus, Dr. Zhivago and Lawrence of Arabia. Those films demonstrated the power of sweeping cinematography and brilliant storylines. That was without CGI. CGI should be used to enhance a film, but there seems to be an over-reliance upon it, if you ask me. It's time we brought back some of the traditional ideas, they'd probably rock the establishment, we've gone so far from what actually worked in the first place!

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