Monday, 11 February 2008

Blame It On the Dark Star!

I was absolutely delighted today, to have the opportunity to join in a lively discussion on the merits of Sci-fi films, and from my perspective, 70's Sci-fi in particular. The fact that a wide variety of age groups were involved made it all the more lively, but what was truly interesting, and confirmed a supposition made by me previously in this blog, was that the younger guys present (early 20's), had very little background knowledge of the development of Sci-fi. I mean, clearly Sci-fi was on the go before I was born, but I suggested that the pinnacle of Sci-fi had been achieved in the late 70's - early 80's, with films like Dark Star and The Black Hole and T.V. series; Doctor Who, Blake 7, Space 1999, Star Trek etc. were all at their peak in that era.

Of course, these young guys hadn't heard of The Black Hole or Dark Star, but when I told them the general storyline for "The Black Hole", they thought it sounded like a great story. Perhaps because I focused on the robot and his robot friend, their relationship, and how the film evoked great empathy for the robots, who seemed more human than the human characters. My advice to them and to anyone else who loves Sci-fi, but hasn't seen these 2 films, would be to go and get them on DVD, they're probably in the budget bin anyway. These films never got huge credit, but I suspect must have massively influenced the following generations of Sci-fi film-makers.

I should mention that my ankles were in agony this morning. They're much better now, but I probably pushed myself too hard yesterday. What's truly shocking is that everyone else in the family is alright, even the kids, who moaned enough at the time. They don't feel my pain though! As someone once very rightly stated "You'll find sympathy in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphillis!" Never was a truer word spoken!

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