Sunday, 16 December 2007

EU Must Be Mad!

Ah, the deed is done then. The people were promised a say, but when it really mattered, of course, the people cannot fully understand the concepts involved, so the great political minds of Europe went ahead and signed the "United States Of Europe" treaty for us. Now all we need to do is sit back and reap the rewards... which will be what exactly? I'm sure that I'm not alone in thinking that countries such as France and Germany will see this as just the result that was hoped for in the last 2 World Wars. Well, there patience has been rewarded, they now have control, and perhaps us Brits can finally be made to pay for having the audacity to stand up to them in the past.

We didn't stand up this time though, just rolled over to have our tummy ticked. My worst fear is that in some point in the very near future, some country is going to find themselves receiving a bit of a raw deal from this new arrangement, and will turn around and say, "Excuse Me Herr Germany and Madmoiselle France, but we've decided we'd like out of this treaty. They may well then be thrown a bone or two, but still not happy, they will simply be crushed by our new European Army, frogmarching along to "Ode to Joy", our new European Anthem, with the European Flag borne proudly aloft.

So we'll either find ourselves in a totalitarian state or we'll have a European schism and a European Civil War, just as the Germans are claiming the last 2 World Wars were, European Civil Wars. Yes, that's right, because we were all getting along great for ages before that weren't we? These people are blind if they think it will ever work, the best we can hope for are some special new European taxes to help fund a new Eurocratic workforce and Parliament. Maybe we'll get an EU VAT on top of existing VAT, that would help build up some gigantic EU MP's pensions. To be honest, I've never heard anyone say anything positive about the whole thing, apart from the deluded madmen pushing the idea along, does any normal person think this is a good idea? I'd love to hear it!

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