Tuesday, 4 September 2007

An Airbag Saved My Life!

Yes, I know I missed yesterday's post, but I was late getting back from Uni, I had a migraine and couldn't be arsed really! But, I'm going to make it up to you today. First off, check out the video above of the 2006 Pride of Arizona Radiohead Part1 and 2 (UW Game). Why don't we ever have stuff like that in the UK? I'll tell you why, it's because we have no vision. Yes, the Americans have guns and a genocidal president, but at least they get to do cool stuff.

You want to know what's in the video before you watch it? Well, it's a marching band playing Radiohead songs right before some big American Football match. What struck me was the choice of songs that they selected; Airbag, Paranoid Android, Optimistic and The National Anthem. Now while I prefer the 2 more obscure tracks from those 4, I imagine the crowd at the game were largely ignorant of Radiohead. But, why? OK Computer is largely hailed as the Best Album Ever and certainly the Best Album of the 90's. Radiohead's headline act at Glastonbury 97 has also been voted the Best Concert ever. You get the picture? If you haven't heard the albums then what are you waiting for?

I'm going to post a couple more interesting videos today. Just stuff that has come to my attention for one resaon or another. Let's face it, you could sit watching videos all day, if you had the time!

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