I have a fateful decision to make tomorrow. Well, it's not entirely down to me, but nevertheless, I must take part in it. A decision which could effectively put two guys out of work, one of whom has had the job for more than twenty years. You see, I'm on a committee for a club (have been for almost 10 years) and it's gotten to the stage where there's way more going out than coming in. The cost of running a business of that sort these days is unbelievable. For instance, although we use little in the way of water, having a water supply costs us about £1200 per annum.
We were just about getting by alright though, until the insurance company asked for an electrical inspection. Well, the existing electrics are 30 years old and the inspection found over 50 major problems. So basically we'd be as well re-wiring the whole building, but we don't have that sort of cash available and there's no way of acquiring it really. We could take out a loan, but it's doubtful we'd be able to re-pay it the way the business is going. So, the decision must be taken on what to do next. I have some ideas on how we can possibly continue operating, but like I said, the whole committee must decided together. It could be messy, as the two employees will be in attendance... groan!
Have you ever wondered how it must feel to put a load of people out of their jobs? I think major companies hire people specifically to do that nowadays. What a horrible job, you'd need to be soul-less or downright evil just to avoid getting manically depressed. It's true though, to be a success in business you need to be ruthless. I'm not really into ruthlessness, I do have a soul, I have scruples and I'm holding on to them!
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