Saturday, 28 July 2007

Depopulation To Order!

Caught a little news tidbit this morning about how the Illuminati want to embark upon a program of depopulation (the resurgence of an old idea apparently). Not mainstream news obviously, who looks there anymore. If you want to know what's really going on then you have to Digg for it! However, do the Illuminati really exist, or is it just a term that's bandied around to describe the elite businessmen who really rule the World?

The real questions that need to be asked though, if you are to accept the statement given at face value, are:
  • Why depopulate the World?
  • Who lives, who dies?
  • How seriously are they about depopulating the World? ... and
  • What means do they have at their disposal to see through their dastardly plans?

Clearly there are several possible reasons for wanting to see a dramatic reduction in the global population; reducing carbon emissions dramatically, limiting or ceasing the spread of certain diseases, managing food and water stocks more efficiently, but possibly they are motivated by more wicked sentiments, such as racial superiority, intellectual superiority or desire for power and wealth. We all know which reasons are most likely!

It's true that the World's population is constantly increasing and is greater than ever before. In the past War and disease have curbed poulation rise, but now medicine and the nuclear deterrent held by the most powerful nations, have significantly reduced the possibility of either factor coming heavily into play.

So, how could a dramatic depopulation program be unleashed. Well, in all likelihood you wouldn't really know it was orchestrated anyway. The 2 factors I have identified as responsible for depopulation are the primary tools which could be used by evil powermongers to effect it. They could for instance instigate an incident which would draw the super-powers into armed conflict and the possibilty of nuclear strikes. Alternatively, they could unleash a deadly virus, creating a pandemic unlike any ever seen before. This is probably the most likely scenario, as it would be quite easy to make it seem like a natural catastrophe. For instance, if Avian Flu were to mutate to form a human strain, who would think that suspicious? Haven't they been warning us about just such a possibility?

There are some massive pharmecutical companies out there, who could potentially initiate a viral epidemic, with vaccines already in place. Let the epidemic take hold, then reveal that a vaccine is available, but expensive. Sell vaccinations to those who can afford them. Accumulate futher wealth and power, everyone will be so grateful, and who will care about all the poor people who died because they couldn't afford the vaccine. I know I'm sounding positively apocalyptic here and it's not in my nature to see the pessimistic side to anything, but I think I've demonstrated here how easy it would be, and rest assured there are innumerable people out there who would love to see it happen!


Axinar said...

"... do the Illuminati really exist, or is it just a term that's bandied around to describe the elite businessmen who really rule the World?"

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I begin to suspect that there may be just ONE "Imperious Leader" on this planet - dark, mysterious, and in hiding somewhere, who makes all the major decisions of late ...

Me42 said...

Hey Graham i see you've not change one bit.

Keir Hardie said...

I'm NOT the imperious leader, how many times...