Saturday, 5 May 2007

Uncovering the Truth Behind Perpetuated Lies !

Returning to a subject I promised to cover before being side-tracked with College work, Election fever and what not: Archaelogical cover-ups! I'll examine one in detail, but just keep an open mind, that's all I ask, and remember, the man wants to control what you think, believe and perceive to be true. I am not the man!

The best case I've seen yet was the discovery by Dr Virginia Steen-McIntyre, a geologist working for the US Geological Survey (USGS), who was dispatched to an archaeological site in Mexico to date a group of artifacts in the 1970s. The case illustrates how far established scientists will go to preserve persisting beliefs regarding human history.

McIntyre used state-of-the-art equipment and backed up her results by using four different methods, but her results were off the chart. The lead archaeologist expected a date of 25,000 years or less, and the geologist's finding was 250,000 years or more.

The figure of 25,000 years or less was critical to the Bering Strait "crossing" theory, and it was also the motivation behind the head archaeologist's tossing Steen-McIntyre's results in the circular file and asking for a new series of dating tests. This sort of reaction does not occur when dates match the expected chronological model that supports accepted theories. By the way, the secondary dating pushed the find back even further, and the fact that the artifacts were below a volcanic deposit layer further confirmed the dating.

Steen-McIntyre was given a chance to retract her conclusions, but she refused. She found it hard thereafter to get her papers published and she lost a teaching job at an American University. This incident is one of thousands where experts have put their necks on the line to tell the truth only to be destroyed by the back-room, old boy network, who don't want to see any anomalous findings completely over-turning their lifetime's work and theories. You can see where they''re coming form, but it's just plain wrong! It's not just our concept of historical events that are at stake, but the theory of human evolution also, for there's mounting evidence to suggest that Darwin was talking bollocks!

Other examples I urge you to investigate yourself are:

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