Thursday, 31 May 2007

All Connected By Silver Threads!

Today I'd like to expound upon an idea which has been going around in my head for many years now. It was my father who first informed me of this supposition many years ago, when he was reading some Lobsang Rampa books. Like Erich Von Daeniken, Lobsang Rampa has been branded a charlatan in many circles, but it's not really about belief in my opinion, but rather about getting new ideas out into the open.

The premise put forward by Lobsang Rampa was as follows:

We each of us are linked by a silver thread (symbolically) to a higher-self, but several others are also linked similarly, by silver threads, to that same higher-self. When the threads get crossed, that's how people become schizophrenic, their personalities have in essence merged with anothers, although they are in some way connected.

To be honest with you, I quite like this suggestion, but I've considered several other possibilites tied in with it. Suppose, that all the individuals connected to the higher-self, live in different times, and that time therefore is linear. This would acount for cases of past lives remembered by some individuals, in other words, not past lives, but lives of other individuals connected to the higher-self. Alternatively, all of the lower-selfs are the same self, but time is irrelevant. This would make for a great pub discussion, don't you think?

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Fear and Loathing!

Here's a clip I found from one of my all time favourite films, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas. I don't usually go in for films of this sort, but this film just sort of sucks you right in. Even though there is much better material in the film, this part still gives you an idea of the goodness to come. There are several sections later in the film where I was literally ROFL. If you haven't seen it, you really should!

The Inherited Ritual of Modern Freemasonry!

What is known about the rituals of the Knights Templar? Very little really, we know what they were accused of when the order was condemned by Phillip the fair and the Pope Clement (who Phillip had in his pocket), but those accusations were probably largely spurious and so tell us nothing in effect. It had been suggested that the rituals of the Knights Templar were a precursor for modern Freemasonry, and that may well be the case, as there are several factors which commend the suggestion. Alternatively we must also consider the purported Operative guild origins of Freemasonry, an idea largely prevalent in England, and which may simply be a device whereby the Grand Lodge of England can claim that Freemasonry originated in that country (which clearly it didn't!).

The Knights Templar had 3 ordinary grades within the order: Squire, Sergeant and Knight, like the three degress in Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft amd Master Mason. But these can be equally equated to the traditional craft roles of: Apprentice, Journeyman and Master.

But why stop with the Knights Templar, where did their rituals originate? surely the subject matter of Masonic rituals is Old Testament anyway, so why not look further back? The Knights Templar were accused of including in their rituals, certain practices which were akin to Catharism, which in turn had inherited those ideas from earlier Gnosticism, which leads us back to Jesus. But surely Jesus wasn't a Freemason I hear you say? Hmmm, well the raising of Lazarus from the dead seems decidedly like the ritual of the 3rd Degree in modern Freemasonry, when viewed subjectively, and Jesus own resurrection was essentially the same ritual again.

Following the route back through Jesus who had connections with several fairly diverse sects, a path can be traced back to the Israelite exodus from Egypt, led by Moses who had been initiated into the secrets of the Egyptian High Priests. Safe to say, that Moses took what he had learned and adapted it into something new and unique, but surely much of the secret rituals he had learned would have been preserved by him and practised within the High Priesthood of the new Judaic religion.

So, it's possible to conclude that elements of sacred ritual have been preserved since ancient times and permeated down through the ages till the present day. The modern rituals have probably lost all of the substance and intent which was implied originally, having been distilled down to a fraction of the original and adapted to suit many differnt agendas, but a clear lineage is a possibility!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Egypt at the Dawn of Civilization!

Some odd things were happening at the "apparent" dawn of civilization, things which academics have never been able to explain. Mainly, because they have chosen to ignore them, but anyone familiar with the works of Graham Hancock will be aware that, at the very dawn of Egyptian civilization, that civilization rapidly achieved a technological and architectual pinnacle. From then on there was only a slow gradual decline in their ability to achieve anything near what they had previously.

The granite sarchophagus in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid, shows clear signs of machine-tooling. The fact is, that the Egyptians don't appear to have possessed tools of the type, and the amount of pressure (1 ton) that would be required to be applied to a diamond-tipped drill, revolving at thousands of revolutions per minute, it's just not conceivable. So, did the Egyptians possess technologies which we are not aware of? Did they inherit technological skills from their predecessors, which have since been long lost?

Diorite vessels from pre-dynastic, that's 4000 BC, show even more remarkable craftsmanship. Considering, that this stone is harder than Iron, how were those early Egyptians able to bore out slender necks into the vessels, and literally, around corners to hollow out the inside of these circular vessels? The answers to these questions may never be known, but they are important questions, if we are to ever understand the origins of Egyptian civilization and the technological capabilities they had acquired at a very early period.

Monday, 28 May 2007

They Were Giants In Those Days!

What are we to make of the legends, myths and historical accounts of Giants walking upon the Earth? The Bible tells us that the race of the Nephilim, were Giants descended from the heavens who had interbred with human women. Norse, Hindi, Greek, Germanic and Celtic legends all speak of Giants who generally terrorised anyone who crossed their paths.

But, is it possible that they really existed? In a physical sense, science tells us that the mass to height ratio would not allow a being say 12 to 15 feet tall to be able to support itself, with the gravitational pull exerted on it. Theoretically, a Giant would have much slower body movements than us, and would be unable to throw a spear or hunt effectively.

Well, that's what the science says, but then haven't the skeletons of giants been unearthed all over the planet? Yes, they have, in Polynesia, New Zealand and North America, with many hushed up discoveries occuring in other countries. As with the New Zealand discoveries, as I've mentioned before, the Maori Chieftains were first to become aware that Giant red-haired skeletons had been discovered at Waipoua Forest in the 70's-80's. As has occured in many locations globally, the Maoris didn't want any evidence presented publicly which would indicate that other civilizations had persisted in New Zealand prior to the Maoris. The New Zealand Government bent over backwards to hide the evidence, even creating a new law allowing archaeological information to be withheld from the public for 75 years. The excavations at Waipoua Forest were swiftly terminated and the site made completely secure.

So, on the one hand, science tells us that Giants could not have existed, but skeletal finds suggest that they did indeed. Is it possible therefore that the gravitational forces acting upon us, were once far less than they are now? It would certainly explain a lot, and it would account for any Giant peoples having died out. They simply would have been unable to survive with an increased gravitational pull. I'm surprised there hasn't been more research on the DNA of the finds so far, but then again perhaps certain people would prefer those conclusions kept under wraps for now, and probably forever!

Saturday, 26 May 2007

The Search For A Lost Continent!

I just don't get the efforts being made to place the lost continent of Atlantis in the Mediterranean, specifically Santorini. Sure, Santorini blew up in a very destructive manner, but it was a volcano, that's what they do. Atlantis apparently sunk completely beneath the waves in a day and a night, and Santorini is still there in a large part. So, that doesn't really match up with Plato's account, especially the part which places Atlantis to the West of the Pillars of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar), in the great Western ocean. That and the fact that the natives of South America also retained similar tales about Aztlan, a lost continent in the Atlantic. Too much of a coincidence if you ask me.

Taken at face value, as Heinrich Schliemann did with Troy, and Arthur Evans did with Knossos, there is no real reason why we should disbelieve the tales that have been handed down to us from ancient times. Once again, I'm talking about things that we find hard to believe can be true, and so are generally assumed to be myths and legend. How many myths must be proved to be true before academics begin to realise that our ancient forebears weren't liars and storytellers like modern-day archaeolgists, anthropologists, geologists, etc perpetuating their own myths of pre-histroy to suit an ulterior agenda.

The fact is ruins have been found in the mid-atlantic (near the Azores), and at great depths, signifying that they were not merely submerged by rising sea-levels, but due to some geological cataclysm which must have sent them plunging into the depths. Hang on, isn't that what Plato reported that the Egyptians had told his Gt Grandfather Solon?

There have been many discoveries of ancient ruins, off the coasts of countries facing on to the Atlantic sea-board, on both sides of the Atlantic, but I suspect that these were simply the victims of rising sea-levels at the end of the last Ice-Age. The ruins lying on the sea-bed near the Azores testify to the possibility that Atlantis was where we have been told it was all along, and in light of the discoveries of Troy and Knossos, why should we believe otherwise?

Friday, 25 May 2007

Here Comes Sickness!

Classic comedy scene from the Red Dwarf episode "Polymorph". These guys really gelled as a team, they must have had such a laugh filming this show. The scenario is, that each character has had an emotion sucked out of them, by the Polymorph monster, with absolutely hilarious consequences. Normal sevice will be resumed tomorrow, as right now, my daughter is still ill, my wife is ill, and I'm not feeling to tasty myself!

Thursday, 24 May 2007

The Great Heresy!

For as long as Christianity has existed, there have been heretics, and possibly even before Christianity existed, because there were already those who knew a damn site more about Jesus than Paul did, and they had formed there own church in Egypt. They consisted of, possibly some of the disciples, friends, family and associates of Jesus. You may well ask why the church formed by those individuals did not succeed where the Roman church was able. Well, in the main, the Egyptian church was a Jewish church which regarded Jesus as a prophet but a man neverthless, whereas the Roman church had deified Jesus Christ, elevating him to the position of the son of God. Did Jesus ever claim to be such, yes he did, but facing a stoning changed it to be "we are all the sons of God".

The new Roman church could not have a rival church, claiming a different "truth", and so heresy was born. Heretics were people who held the same beliefs, but may have held alternative views regarding scripture or religious doctrine. You only need to read Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose" to get a feel for how easy it was to be branded a heretic, where the issue of whether Jesus ever laughed takes on enormous significance. Of course it isn't enough that a heretic should burn to death for being a heretic, they must also confess their crimes under torture, and be tortured until they do confess, for confessing or not confessing, either way being accused of heresy was usually a death sentence.

Throughout the intervening centuries, the Roman church has purused relentlessly any sect or group which has threatened alternative concepts of Christianity, and especially where the enormous wealth of the Roman church was threatened. Any sect or cult proclaiming that poverty should be observed were dealt with most harshly.

With the arrival of "Witchcraft" in the Middle Ages, heresy took on a new meaning, as the Roman church had always despised women anyway, and because fear of the devil coupled with superstitious beliefs (especially among the peasantry) were very successful in drawing the masses into church. Over 1 million women are thought to have been executed for Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, most of whom were probably the victims of jealous neighbours.

Another major stop for the Roman church's blood frenzy was South America. When Cortes and his men saw the Aztec religion in action, it was not the sacrifices and violence that offended them, it was the striking similarity between the Aztec religion and Catholicism. That was the driving force for a purge of the Aztecs, it was clearly heresy at its worst. Almost certainly, the priests in the retinue of Cortes would have made it immediately plain what they thought should be done about it.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Medical Emergency!

Just a quick post today, before I head to the hospital, yes, you read right! My 10 year old daughter came back from the guides last night complaining of a sore stomach and feeling sick, and she had sickness and diahorrea all through the night. So, then she fainted and I decided to get a doctor out. The doctor said to keep an eye on her, and see how she was in the morning, but half-an-hour later she was back in the toilet and started drifting in and out of consciousness. So, I got an ambulance out, and her and the wife went off to the hospital.

The wife has phoned to say the doctors think it's just a bad gastric infection, and she'll be staying in today, so I'll head in later and see how she's doing. To be honest I'm feeling a bit squeamish myself, and have all night, but I don't know if it's what she has, or just an involuntary reaction to it. Anyhow, when your kids are ill, you just can't take any chances, especially as the Paramedics were thinking it could be appenicitis.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

The Modern Jurassic!

For us, living in our materialist, consumerist, metropolitan age, and being so willing as we are to accept the facts presented to us by the experts, at face value, the very notion that dinosaur species may still be alive and well on this planet, is simply unacceptable. However, like many other astounding discoveries and revelations to which academians would rather you weren't exposed, I'll wager that you have no idea just how many modern day dinosaur sightings there have been, and continue to be.

Obviously, any such sighting has usually occured in a part of the globe which is sparsely inhabited, areas which by there very nature tend to be avoided by people, although not always. But, anyway, have you heard or read about these sightings, of:

Sightings of Pterodactyl/Pterosaur like creatures have been reported all over the globe, but seldom go beyond the local news, perhaps with good reason, a reason which when conjoined with the numerous others there are, would expose Darwins theory of natural selection as a lame theory. Unfortunately for us, there are just far too many "professionals" with a vested interest in maintaining the prevailing lies about evoultion (not only of man, but animals also). There is ample evidence (if you look for yourself) that not only were species of humanoid alive and well at the (purported) time of the dinosaurs, but also that there are dinosaurs till living, in our time, the time of the human.

Monday, 21 May 2007

Zombification of the Nation!

My favourite clip from "Shaun of the Dead", the first time I saw them beating the bar manager to the tune of Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" I nearly wet myself. Yes... it's that good!

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Ancient Cities Rising from the Depths!

Yes, it's difficult for us to imagine a thriving modern day metropolis like New York being completely submerged by the sea. But, returning to a topic I've delved into in older posts, the picture above represents events which I believe have happened many times in our ancient and even not so ancient past. Archaeologists and geologists seem determined to have us believe that large-scale inundations in the past, occured over extended time periods, but their evidence is largely focused on evidence found above modern-day sea-levels and therefore does not represent fairly the events of history, as clearly the sea level has never been higher than at present.

It is my belief, which I'm certain is shared by many, that a series of cataclysmic events have struck this planet. Events, in which it's possible entire civilizations were destroyed, and their magnificent cities catapaulted into the salty depths. Surely, the increasingly numerous discoveries on the ocean floor are testimony to this fact, and the sea-bed has seen very little exploration overall. There may be untold numbers of cities below the sea, whether driven there by earthquake, flood or a global catastrophe.
Here are some examples of recent discoveries (mainly lying close to shore, easier to uncover and easier to explore):

Someday soon, we will be faced by discoveries which will not be so easily explained away by "The Experts"!

Saturday, 19 May 2007

A Voyage of Discovery!

The discovery of the Americas by Columbus in 1492, is widely accepted as historical fact. Of course, the indigenous peoples of the Americas are testimony to the fact that the Americas were discovered a long time before that, although of course Europeans then (and many still today) regarded Non-Europeans with scant regard, and as little more than savages.

The fact is though, the discovery by Columbus was a re-discovery really, for there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that the Americas have been discovered numerous times, by a variety of civilizations. The voyage of Leif Erikkson to Vinland around 1000 A.D. has found proof in the discovery of Norse settlement remains at L'Anse Aux Meadows, Newfoundland. The Norse sagas recounting their skirmishes with the "Skrellings", the native American Indians, is additionally compelling.

But what of other visits to the American shores?, well there is evidence to suggest that Columbus had sufficient evidence, gleaned from previous reorded visits, to convince him that the Americas existed. He may well have possessed a map as well. In 1396, Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney and Earl of Roslin (hmmmm), accompanied by some members of the Zeno family from Venice, set sail for North America, using the same sailing methods employed by the Vikings almost 400 years before, which of course would have been well known to the Sinclairs, who were descended from Norse royal stock. The Templar Tower at Newport in Nova Scotia, along with templar graves there, must have been left as reminders of the voyage. It must be remembered that the legends of the Miqmaq Indians also recall their meetings with these knights, in which there was no violence this time around.

Another reminder however was the Zeno narrative, a map, of which a copy may eventually have made its way into Columbus' hands. This combined with Columbus' visit to Iceland in 1477 suggest that he was amassing evidence on the existence of the Americas in advance of his triumphant voyage where he would claim he had been the discoverer.

Other possible early claimants to an American voyage of discovery are:

There is also plenty evidence to suggest that peoples from the Americas crossed the Atlantic many times in the past, often to a less than friendly welcome, but you'll just have to look for details of those encounters yourself!

Friday, 18 May 2007

The Parting of the Waves!

Yes, the waves have parted and like Moses I made it to the other-side relatively intact. Yesterday morning was my final exam (Network Systems), seemed to go reasonably well I think. Afterwards some fellow students and myself went for our lunch and a few (too many?) drinks and a game of pool. I was drinking Magners Irish Cider all-day, which is not a drink I would recommend for this type of activity, with hindsight. It's a nice drink, don't get me wrong, just not suitable for an all-day bender. I say that because I was so thirsty through the night, and my head was quite painful also (ah, the power of understatement).

Anyway, that's College over, so now what? Well I spent an hour on the phone this morning, dealing with a member of Job Centre staff, who now knows way too much about me IMO! Then I'll have my Rent and Council Tax to sort out, and I'll have to sort out the Child Tax Credits as well. The bureaucracy is astounding, so much paper-work, form filling, red-tape and bullshit. I would advise anyone seriously considering moving to the UK to have a job lined up first because you just don't want to have to deal with our benefits system. I t will drive you to despair, honestly.

I will be back to business shortly, with more astounding relevations about the past, but you'll just have to bear with me, as I sort out my financial affairs, which seem to have precedence always.

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Check out these prospective In-laws!

I've got a busy day of revision today ahead of my final exam tomorrow, so I've just enough time to post this fabulous clip from Smith and Jones (Mel Smith & Griff Rhys Jones), a UK comedy duo, who were big in the 80's. They started off on Not the Nine O'Clock News together, with Rowan Atkinson and Pamela Stephenson, before becoming a dedicated duo. This particular sketch demonstrates how they perfected the art of being funny without the use of smutty material. Pure natural comic ability.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

I was a Roman Standard Bearer!

Dealing with less weighty issues than gaming and comedy classics today! Is there life after death? and is reincarnation real?

Two questions any individual has asked themselves many a time, and may well have discussed with others occasionally, but it's a personal matter really, a matter of faith, not in the Christian sense of the word, as we're leaning more towards Buddhist concepts here, but; you hear stuff, you read stuff, you enquire and you assimilate that knowledge to form your own opinions on what life is really about.

From a personal point of view, I think life is too short to spend it worrying about what comes next (I know people who do though). I've been fed a few Buddhist tidbits over the years and they do tend to make sense, but I'm neither a Buddhist or a Christian, because I don't believe Jesus was the son of God, nor that he actually died on the cross. I suspect that to have been the single biggest con job in history (I refer interested readers to the book "The Messianic Legacy" for detailed clarification).

Where am I going here then, oh yes, re-incarnation. I believe in reincarnation, not because I remember past lives, and I've never been hypnotically regressed (although I fancy it), but I once had the most vivid dream ever, in which I was a Roman Standard Bearer. In the dream I had the full regalia, I was holding the eagle standard, and I was descending a snow-covered mountain, in thick mist, with other soldiers seen dimly at either side. This was followed by a sort of recce-mission sounding out an enemy fort on a hill-top, in the snow, at night, with a clear sky. I can't really emphasise how vivd this dream was, I'm totally convinced that what I dreamt really happened, and I was there.

Anyone has the right to punch holes in my merry tale, but just like any good religious person, I can believe what I like and no-one will convince me otherwise. At least I wasn't Alexander the Great's Chief Eunuch!

Monday, 14 May 2007

Back to Black!

Not necessarily my favourite game of all time, but definitely one of my recent faves, Black lets you unleash awesome fire-power with the added bonus that virtually everything in the game has a propensity to blow-up! Stuff actually begs to be blown-up. One of the best things about the game though, is the way the difficulty cranks up sharply from one level to the next, and it just gets extremely intense.

So, when you find yourself pinned-down under heavy fire, with no ammo and very little health, you have no option but to make a run for it. back where you've come from, scouring for missed items. It's just an awesome game!

A Demonstration In Artifical Intelligence!

So, this morning I had my Intelligent Internet Applications exam, although it's actually Artificial Intelligence, I have no idea why they named it so. It was 2 hrs 15 mins long, 3 questions from 5, and it was very hard. We were prepared for that however, because out tutor had seen the paper a few weeks ago and her exact words were "I'm glad you're sitting this paper and not me, I wouldn't like to be in your shoes!" That put my mind at ease, not! Needless to say, she never really conveyed just how hard it really was.

Anyway, it's also a really good film, A.I. quite long but sentimental enough to make grown men cry (possibly) and that's quite hard to achieve though the medium of television, although not for weak minded women who cry at at even the most pathetic soap-death. I should know, I've seen it happen many a time. Usually, I need to consume a considerable amount of alcohol before I can be made tearsome by something which would normally barely register emotionally.

Now, I only have the Network Systems exam on Thursday to negotiate, then the guys at College and myself are going out for a little drink to commemorate the end of our degree course, following which I'll most likely have to spend an hour or 2 on the phone to Job Centre staff, explaining that I'm no longer a student, but once again a filthy unemployed person, not worthy to receive their pity nor disdain! I look forward to that!

Sunday, 13 May 2007

The Rimmer Song!

The Rimmer Song from Red Dwarf, possibly my all-time favourite comedy series!

Saturday, 12 May 2007

The Puma's Mouth - Sacsayhuaman!

You have to admit, that's a pretty impressive wall them savages built there at Sacsayhuaman in Bolivia, with blocks weighing up to 300 tons. The joints are not only intricate, but are the reason the wall is till standing, because the area is geologically unstable and highly prone to earthquakes. It's apparent that the builders took account of that in their construction. You can't even slide a sheet of paper between those blocks so precise is the fitting, although we are told to accept that the barbarians who built this structure did not possess metal tools, and they didn't use mortar either (like the Egyptians) because they didn't need it. The walls were originally even higher, but the top rows were peeled off from the back (the ground is level with the top of the wall there) and used to build Spanish churches in the area.

No-one knows exactly when these walls were constructed or who built them, but they are further testimony to the skills possessed by races we know very little or nothing about, peoples who have long since passed into the mists of time. Hopefully, we will be able someday to open the lid on the metaphorical jar of history, and peer inside to see what mysteries the past contains.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Playing the Role of a Beer-swilling Heavy Metal Wizard!

Here's a picture from the very first Lone Wolf book "Fire on the Water" by Joe Dever, illustrated by Gary Chalk. I used to be a big fan of Gary Chalk's work, but must admit I preferred the work of John Blanche (Illustrator of the Sorcery Series), going as far as to buy a White Dwarf magazine on one occasion, becuase the cover had a wonderful piece of work by him, on it!

I would say that my mates and I made fairly strange teens, back in the late 1980's. We used to play MERP (Middle-Earth Role Playing), which a lot of people would have called nerdy, but we didn't really play it in the traditional style, we would have a piss-up, and listen to heavy metal at the same time. That added an extra dimension to game-play, because you would start killing your mates game characters systematically after several beers. Characters which they had fostered for months, and which had gathered lots of goodies over that time. That was just a bonus, you could kill their character, really pissing them off in the process, and then take all their characters possessions too. Yes, it did come to blows on several occasions!

The connection is, I guess, that my mates and I, we mainly got together in our Higher Art class, we had similar tastes in music, books etc. About half-a-dozen of us, and all great guys, although globally dispersed now. The most hilarious thing about the class, revolved around a guy who failed the exam badly (no names mentioned). So we all left school, got jobs and so on. I heard that this guy had gone to college in Dundee to do his Art Higher again, and ended up working as a graphic artist, on huge money. Such irony, the one guy who truly demonstrated no artistic talent, became an artist. Life can be so odd sometimes can't it?

Thursday, 10 May 2007

The Last Great Cavalry Charge!

This is my Great Grandfather, Alexander Wilson in his uniform. He was in the 7th (Princess Royals) Dragoon Guards. He fought in the Somme, at Ypres I think. Him and his mates had the unenviable task of charging at the German Machine-guns, on horse-back (see his spurs?), and although you may find this difficult to believe, they were armed primarily with lances. Such was the incompetence of the British high-command, and in particular Earl Douglas Haig (in whose memory Poppy day is held), who thought that Cavalry still had a part to play in modern warfare. Of course they were slaughtered wholesale, Alex only survived because his horse got shot, he got knocked-out and ended-up trapped beneath the horse. He landed in hospital with dysentry eventually. They never had much in the way of food, so he'd had to eat raw flesh from his dead horse (horses are very clean animals), because someone stole his ration-pack when he was out-cold beneath the horse.

My Father said that he didn't talk much about the war, even though he kept asking him as a child. He must have seen some terrible stuff though. He did recount one story about seeing a soldier who was leading a donkey laden with ammo up to the frontline, falling into a mud-filled shell-hole. The donkey and the soldier just disappeared, never to be seen again. Everyone just carried on, death was meaningless to them. And to think, all those young men thought that they were heading off on some great adventure, and the ones who came back would never be able to convey how terrible it really was, so they kept it to themselves mainly.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Have Your Cake and Eat It!

As a diversionary tactic, here's another Big Train clip, featuring the talent that is Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz). If you're familiar with what we in the UK call "sayings", then you'll truly appreciate this!

My Ancestors Built Newgrange!

Continuing from yesterdays megalithic coverage, the image shows the Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange in Knowth, Ireland. My parents went to the site 2 years ago, on a holiday in Ireland, but it was raining so they stayed in the nearby Bru na Boinne visitor centre, something for which I roundly chastised them, knowing as I do a little bit about the significance of the place.
Anyone who's read "Uriel's Machine", will no doubt hold the same fascination with the location as I do, enhanced in my case, because my ancestors lived in the vicinity, certainly at Ardee and Drogheda (5 miles away), and for all I know may even have numbered among the builders.

The site is especially significant as, being built (allegedly) around 3200 BC, Newgrange is older than the Great Pyramid (600 years older), although there are no signs of a large community ever having lived there, perhaps never more than 300. We're speaking about a period in which the average life expectancy was 25 and metal tools were non-existent (again allegedly). That shows how commited they must have been, and over generations. Consider that another 2 ruinous mounds of similar dimensions lie in the vicinity also. Like the pyramids and other ancient structures, Newgrange was previously considered to be a burial mound, but it was plainly a religious structure, like the pyramids, with corpses being added later, when the religious significance had been long forgotten.

The roof space of the passage is grooved so as to make it water-proof, and the passage is lined up diretctly with the Winter solstice. These guys who built it weren't stupid cavemen. The fact that megalithic cultures rose up independently of each other, all over the World, surely testifies to the fact that all of them were somehow connected to each other. It's almost as if they were part of one ancient race, which had been scattered across the face of the Earth, by some global catastrophe, and wherever the survivors found themselves, they sought to recreate what they had known before. Am I talking about Atlantis? Figuratively, yes! Call it what you like, but an ancient race with advanced technology clearly existed, and it's only a matter of time before conclusive proof of that fact comes to light. the truth can't be hidden forever!

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Megalithic Dinosaur Hunters!

What do we know about the Megalithic Cultures of the ancient world? Checkout the picture from Baalbeck in Lebanon! There are 3 of these blocks (each over 800 tonnes) at Baalbeck, and they were already ancient before the Roman's built their temple on the site. Blocks of 300 tonnes plus are common-place there also. The fact is, the Romans could not handle weights of that scale, and until recently modern cranes did not have the capability to lift such weights either. Which makes it so much more surprising when you find out that many of the larger blocks sit on walls where the lower rows are made up of much smaller blocks, almost as though it was no problem whatsoever for the builders to place these cyclopean blocks wherever they wished.

Our present mindset represents the people who built these walls as nomadic hunter-gatherers, venturing into farming, still using fairly primitive tools. I think we've got it all wrong, these people clearly had ideas and knowledge which has since disappeared.

Think the Baalbeck blocks are some achievement, then let's consider the massive stone blocks at Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia, such as the Gateway of the Sun and others. Not only are these stones huge, intricately carved with carvings of animals such as Toxodons, that have been extinct for 2 million years (how much proof do you need? Toxodon remains have been found with spear tips in them too). The fact that Tiahuanaco is now at an altitude which makes it uninhabitable, and it's piers are 12 miles from Lake Titicaca, where they belong, along with the fact that massive blocks have been turned upsides-down, indicate, how ancient Tiahuanaco really is, and suggest some massive land upheaval there in possibly the distant past.

Consider that current archaeological theories propose that the site was built 2200 years ago, contrary to the obvious evidence which would suggest nearer 17,000 years ago (a conserbvative estimate), but also that the native indians who built the site apparently carved the intricate stelae by repeatedly dropping stone balls upon them, as native South Americans possessed no metal tools.

So, what does this all suggest? Well, like the Ica Stones, which I mentioned a couple days back, there seems to be mounting evidence that not only did ancient man have superior technologies to our own, he also hunted Dinosaurs! How can that be?
  • Dinosaurs on stone carvings in South America
  • Dinosaur remains with spear wounds and at least one with a bullet hole
  • The Ica Stones also depict men hunting Dinosaurs
  • Shoe prints were found following Dino prints in a dried-up river bed in Mexico and a similar scenario is found in Turkmenistan

Yes, we have been lied to about human evolution, many professionals are aware of the fact, but a few top scientists with their own agenda are keeping the poublic at large in the dark. They can't have us realising that not only are the theories of natural selection and evolution by mutation, but all world religions also, based entirely on misconceptions and lies. The truth is too dangerous for us to deal with, ignorance is surely bliss and, the more ignorant fools the better, obviously!

Monday, 7 May 2007

My Italian Travels with Spiderman 3 and Umberto!

Just a quick post today, went to Elgin this morning to try and book a holiday to Italy, of course the Travel Agents were mostly closed because of the May Day holiday. That idea having collapsed like a house of cards, we headed for Inverness to watch Spiderman 3, stopping off first at my favourite bookshop "Borders", where I purchased Umberto Eco's "The Name Of the Rose" and "Foucault's Pendulum". Should have bought The Name Of the Rose long ago seeing the film's in my all-time top 3, anyway here's hoping the book is even better. I've often stated in the past that there isn't a film that's been made, which is better than the book it's based on! Although, Gary from College would always mention The Godfather at this point (apparently the book wasn't too hot).

Well, Spiderman 3 was Ok, slow in places, but making up for it with an all-out tag-team finale of Spidey and Harry Versus Venom and the Sandman! Is it better than the first two? probably on a par I'd say!

First exam (Artificial Intelligence) is a week today, gotta get some revision in, but in the mean-time check out the video clip from Big Train, make sure and listen to the commentary. UK sports fans will definitely ROFL to this one, but it should appeal to anyone.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Prince and the Jockeys!

Hilarious clip from Big Train! Just for fun this post!

Sinister or Dexter Brained Society?

I have an opinion which might possibly have a scientific basis in reality or not, which I will postulate here, but please remember that this is only an idea I've been kicking around in my head for a couple years, and it would be quite difficult to prove or dis-prove.

It occured to me a while ago that our ancestors might well have reached a pinnacle of humanity equivalent to where we are now, in the distant or very distant past. I've already laid out some evidence to support the credibility of that statement, however, global changes since the last Ice Age ended, have more than likely consigned the best evidence to the sea-bed, for surely any powerful ancient civilization would have depended on sea-trade and would have had its major cities based on coastal regions or near river mouths.

My theory then is this, I propose that those civilizations were completely different in thought and deed to modern-man. That they were in fact largely left-brainers, because they did not use language in a written form. We tend to think of language as letters, given form and definition. Imagine a society where everything was orally transmitted, scared texts were memorized, becuase the words held power, and to write those words would be an evil deed as it would destroy the power of the words. I'm talking about a society in which spirituality was at the driving-force (today it's consumerism and materialism) in technological development.

Try and imagine what technology we would possess if we were such a society, as opposed to television and weapons of mass destruction. We're talking about people who would have been in touch with nature, perhaps they possessed animal kinship and telepathy, or telekinetic powers. Certainly, heavy devlopment of the left-hand side of the brain, over the right could give you a whole new mind-set! We can only imagine an advanced society as being similar to our own, but what's so good about where we're at? It seems like we've been devolving, not evolving. Yes, we have made great technological advances, but what good's having a TV, just to watch people getting murdered on it? Is that what marks us out as civilized, how good we are at killing each other?

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Uncovering the Truth Behind Perpetuated Lies !

Returning to a subject I promised to cover before being side-tracked with College work, Election fever and what not: Archaelogical cover-ups! I'll examine one in detail, but just keep an open mind, that's all I ask, and remember, the man wants to control what you think, believe and perceive to be true. I am not the man!

The best case I've seen yet was the discovery by Dr Virginia Steen-McIntyre, a geologist working for the US Geological Survey (USGS), who was dispatched to an archaeological site in Mexico to date a group of artifacts in the 1970s. The case illustrates how far established scientists will go to preserve persisting beliefs regarding human history.

McIntyre used state-of-the-art equipment and backed up her results by using four different methods, but her results were off the chart. The lead archaeologist expected a date of 25,000 years or less, and the geologist's finding was 250,000 years or more.

The figure of 25,000 years or less was critical to the Bering Strait "crossing" theory, and it was also the motivation behind the head archaeologist's tossing Steen-McIntyre's results in the circular file and asking for a new series of dating tests. This sort of reaction does not occur when dates match the expected chronological model that supports accepted theories. By the way, the secondary dating pushed the find back even further, and the fact that the artifacts were below a volcanic deposit layer further confirmed the dating.

Steen-McIntyre was given a chance to retract her conclusions, but she refused. She found it hard thereafter to get her papers published and she lost a teaching job at an American University. This incident is one of thousands where experts have put their necks on the line to tell the truth only to be destroyed by the back-room, old boy network, who don't want to see any anomalous findings completely over-turning their lifetime's work and theories. You can see where they''re coming form, but it's just plain wrong! It's not just our concept of historical events that are at stake, but the theory of human evolution also, for there's mounting evidence to suggest that Darwin was talking bollocks!

Other examples I urge you to investigate yourself are:

Friday, 4 May 2007

Fingers Crossed for the SNP !

OK, I've been watching the election results closely all day, and it's still too close to count, and the electoral system is clearly the shambles we expected. Take a look at the Scottish Parliament and you'll get a good idea why anything remotely concerning Scottish politics, usually ends up a disaster.

Although my political opinions might not interest anyone further afield than Elgin, this is my platform and I will express them, because that is my constitutional right.

I did vote for the SNP, not because I agree with probably half of their policies, but because I wanted Labour out, and in that respect, only the SNP have the potential to drive them out. The trouble with our electoral system is, even if the SNP gain a majority, unless they find another party willing to form a coalition, we could be looking at another Lib/Lab alliance, especially with the Lib Dem reluctance to allow the people of Scotland the chance to have a referendum on Independence. My cynical side tells me that it's an obvious ploy by them to get back into bed with Labour.

Anyway, I here you ask, why do I want Labour out so badly? Well, if you lived here in the North East of Scotland, you wouldn't need to ask. I can't think of a single positive thing Labour has done for me since devolution. There are many negatives though, too many:
  • I now owe £13,000 in loans and fees for educating myself.
  • I haven't had an NHS dentist for 4 years. My last dentist was a South African, who went private as soon as he was able. I can't afford private treatment, so I don't get any. Welcome to the Third World !
  • The road infrastructure here is probably 30 years out-of-date and public transport is expensive, occasional and fairly inaccessble!
  • My country is involved in at least 2 pointless wars, which have no support by the people and we're losing badly!
  • There are no jobs here, what few jobs there were have been filled by immigrant workers, prepared to work for the minimum wage (sometimes less), and this in turn has driven wages down also!
  • Bizzarely, last year, although a full-time student with a wife and 2 kids, my student loans were considered by the Council to be income, and I had to pay full rent and council-tax, wtf?

These are my grievances with Labour! I don't know what a SNP in majority will do for this country, but even if it's only enough to give Labour a fright, that will do for me!

Thursday, 3 May 2007

I'm on Top of the World !

Alright, I've been having a pretty good week so far! I handed in my Team Project documentation yesterday, my Network Systems assessment work, and my eCommerce assessment work. That's me clear now until my exams beginning in 10 days time.

This morning I received a conditional offer of a place on the Teacher Training course at Aberdeen University, starting after the Summer break. So all-in-all, it's going well this week, things are going to plan, which you have to admit, is quite unusual!

Mon frere on the other hand has been having a shitty week, the details of which it is not my right to document here. It may be cosmic forces at work, the equilibrium of the Universe and such like, but more likely it's not even coincidence, it's just a fact of life, shit happens! One day it's fine the next it's black! You're up in April, then you're down in May! You've got to take the good with the bad, the rough with the smooth! .... and numerous other cliches.

I wouldn't like my good fortune to detract from anyone else's misfortune however, if you're having no luck whatsoever, then please feel free to leave a comment describing your misfortune, because everyone loves a hard-luck story!

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

The Dogon and Nommo from Sirius !

Those are Dogon tribesmen of Mali in West Africa! Strange outfits they're wearing, no? And that is where they live! Their religious beliefs are extremely complex and centre around spirit entities they call the Nommo.

The most bizarre thing about the Dogon is, when the first white men encountered them in the 1930's they quickly realised that the Dogon myths were mainly in connection with the Sirius star system, and surprisingly the Dogon possessed knowledge of Sirius and its Moons far in advance of what was known at that time.

Take a look at the masks, think about the astronomical knowledge. Clearly the Dogon tribe experienced an event in their distant past, which they rationalised as best they could. Remember what I said about Ezekiel, and consider that the Dogon apparently came from Egypt where astronomy was of immense importance. It seems that many cultures based their deities on what appeared to them to be the divine. Principally, if it comes down from the sky and therefore the heavens, then it must be a God! We would call them extraterrestrials nowadays, but that concept was alien to ancient peoples (pardon the pun)!

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Vitirfied Forts - Testimony to Ancient Air-Power !

The photograph above shows an aerial view of the ancient fort found at Tap o'Noth, near Rhynie, in North East Scotland. OK, the fort was destroyed a long time ago, as is clearly evident from the image. Consider this though, the rock that formed the fort has been vitrified, that is to say it has melted and become fused together, so that it is a solid lump. They say that there are over 100 such forts scattered across Europe, but more than half are found in Scotland, particularly Northern Scotland (where I'm conveniently situated!).

Scientific tests have demonstrated that in order to achieve the effect of vitrification on the rock, temperatures of over 1,100 *C are required. You think that it's possible that a conventional fire caused that? Unlikely, no, impossible. So many theories have been postulated for why the process of vitrifation occured, many assuming it was intended by the fort builders. That's plainly idiotic. The evidence clearly suggests that the vitrified forts were subjected to some form of incendiary assault, most likely of the airborne variety. That's impossible though isn't it? Ancient peoples never possessed the ability to fly, did they?

And., so we arrive at the crux of it. If you subject ancient texts and archeological finds to scrutiny, there is a great deal to suggest that at least several ancient races possessed flying machines, and yes, weaponry to go with them. I'm thinking specifically with regards to the Vedic culture of India, the Mahabharata, and their Vimanas! Dammit, they even have manuals for constructing flying machines and how to operate them. But clearly, since anything that appears in historical texts, which we find ourselves unable to believe, then gets calssified as mythology, and is perpetuated as such.

I on the other hand, suspect that most myths handed down to us, spring from historical reality, and that modern society is so blinkered, it refuses to believe that mankind might have reached a technological crest in ancient times. Take the Egyptian King Lists for example. It was long-believed that they were a largely fictional work, until corroboration was found inside an ancient tomb. The evidence proved that the kings from the first dynasty onwards, who appeared in the list, had really existed. But, the list also describes a 10,000 year period before those kings, in which Egypt was ruled by a series of Demi-gods, also preceded by the real Egyptian Gods, Osiris, Isis et al.

Historians, then decided that the pre-dynastic rulers on the list were mythological characters, because, obviously they couldn't have existed (but the dynastic rulers were now acceptable). That is the arrogance we possess in this age. We think that unimaginable things cannot have been. Well, what if those lists are in fact 100% accurate? What if the Egyptians never embraced the modern trend of making stuff up, or exaggerating?

And what if some evidence turns up to prove that the Egyptian Gods were real, phyiscal beings?
They'll cover it up, that's what! In fact, it might be happening already. The Egyptian aracheologists under Zahi Hawass were certainly keen to get foreign archaeologists out of the country recently, when various alternative suggestions for Egyptian history were being postulated. They like their history the way it is thank you, and no-one is going to get the opportunity to find evidence which might suggest an alternative hypothesis!